Table 1. Coring summary for Site 1086 (ASCII).

1H 1 2245 0.0-6.7 6.7 6.77 101.0
2H 1 2320 6.7-16.2 9.5 7.97 83.9
3H 1 2350 16.2-25.7 9.5 10.00 105.3
4H 2 0015 25.7-35.2 9.5 10.00 105.3
5H 2 0035 35.2-44.7 9.5 7.95 83.7
6H 2 0100 44.7-54.2 9.5 10.02 105.5
7H 2 0120 54.2-63.7 9.5 10.01 105.4
8H 2 0145 63.7-73.2 9.5 9.94 104.6
9H 2 0210 73.2-82.7 9.5 9.90 104.2
10H 2 0235 82.7-92.2 9.5 10.01 105.4
11H 2 0300 92.2-101.7 9.5 9.90 104.2
12H 2 0325 101.7-111.2 9.5 9.89 104.1
13H 2 0345 111.2-120.7 9.5 9.71 102.2
14H 2 0410 120.7-130.2 9.5 9.33 98.2
15H 2 0435 130.2-139.7 9.5 9.89 104.1
16H 2 0515 139.7-149.2 9.5 10.08 106.1
17H 2 0545 149.2-158.7 9.5 9.95 104.7
18H 2 0615 158.7-168.2 9.5 9.94 104.6
19H 2 0640 168.2-177.7 9.5 10.01 105.4
20H 2 0700 177.7-187.2 9.5 10.02 105.5
21H 2 0745 187.2-196.7 9.5 9.89 104.1
22H 2 0815 196.7-206.2 9.5 9.91 104.3
Coring totals:

206.2 211.09 102.4

1H 2 1020 0-0.3 0.3 0.29 96.7
2H 2 1045 0.3-9.8 9.5 9.28 97.7
3H 2 1105 9.8-19.3 9.5 9.50 100.0
4H 2 1130 19.3-28.8 9.5 9.91 104.3
5H 2 1155 28.8-38.3 9.5 9.79 103.1
6H 2 1220 38.3-47.8 9.5 9.96 104.8
7H 2 1245 47.8-57.3 9.5 9.80 103.2
8H 2 1310 57.3-66.8 9.5 9.96 104.8
9H 2 1335 66.8-76.3 9.5 8.41 88.5
10H 2 1415 76.3-85.8 9.5 9.83 103.5
11H 2 1440 85.8-95.3 9.5 9.94 104.6
12H 2 1500 95.3-104.8 9.5 9.90 104.2
13H 2 1530 104.8-114.3 9.5 9.95 104.7
14H 2 1620 114.3-123.8 9.5 10.07 106.0
15H 2 1645 123.8-133.3 9.5 9.27 97.6
16H 2 1715 133.3-142.8 9.5 9.81 103.3
17H 2 1740 142.8-152.3 9.5 9.80 103.2
18H 2 1810 152.3-161.8 9.5 9.33 98.2
19H 2 1835 161.8-171.3 9.5 9.45 99.5
20H 2 1905 171.3-180.8 9.5 10.04 105.7
21H 2 1935 180.8-190.3 9.5 9.73 102.4
22H 2 2005 190.3-199.8 9.5 9.34 98.3
23H 2 2040 199.8-208.5 8.7 8.73 100.3
Coring totals:

208.5 212.09 101.7

Notes: UTC = Universal Time Coordinated. An expanded version of this coring summary table that includes lengths and depths of sections and comments on sampling is included on CD-ROM (back pocket, this volume).