Table T3. Approximate percentages for integrated core expansion.
Core expansion (%)
Congo and Angola Sites
Walvis and Cape Basin Sites
Depth (mbsf)
Site 1075
Site 1076
Site 1077
Site 1078
Site 1079
Site 1081
Site 1082
Site 1083
Site 1084
Site 1085
Site 1086
Site 1087
50 5 10 8 5.5 4.5
11 10 10 15.5 12 10 11
100 9 11 8 6 5
8.5 10 10 17 11 9 12
150 11 12 7

8.5 10 11 18 11 9 12
200 13 12 7

10.5 18 9.5 10.5 12

11 9

Note: Based on composite depth profiles from physical properties (from shipboard data: Wefer, Berger, Richter, et al., 1998).