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Table T3. Checklist used for spreadsheet com-ments associated with each structural identifier.

The following is a checklist of structural characteristics that were searched for in macroscopic core samples. These characteristics supplement the information required by the spreadsheet and were noted in the comments section of the spreadsheet. The abbreviations for these features were used to document crosscutting relationships (where > indicates "older than") on the structure section of the VCDs.

Subhorizontal microcracks (Shm)
Drilling-induced fractures

Join ts (J)
Joint density
Plume structures on joint surface

Veins (V)
Orientation of veins and vein-array boundaries
Magnitude and nature of offset
Density of vein network
Array characteristics
Sense of shear
Angle between new vein segments and array boundary (measure of array dilatation)
Internal structure of fibers
Crack-seal structures and number of vein-opening events
Wall-rock alteration and shape
Vein terminations (splayed or tapered)
Vein mineralogy

Faults (F)
Fault-zone thickness, orientation and density
Movement sense (r,n,d,s), reverse, normal, dextral sinistral
Intensity of cataclastic fabric (Cf)
Matrix material (gouge or secondary minerals)
Overprinting of pre-existing fabric

Breccias (B)
Hydrothermal (Bh), magmatic (Bm) or cataclastic (Bc)
Clast size and shape, matrix composition, relative proportions

Cleavages (C)
Style of cleavage (e.g., crenulation [Cc], spaced [Cs])
Spacing or wavelength
Angle between cleavage and earlier fabrics, noting directions of larger-scale fold closures

Folds (Fo)
Inter-limb angle
Estimate of hinge curvature (e.g., kink vs. round)
Asymmetry of hingeline relative to other fabrics (e.g., stretching lineations, etc.)
other geometrical aspects preserved in core (e.g., wavelength, amplitude, etc.)
Number of folds, if more than one

Crystal-Plastic Fabrics (Pf)
Intensity of fabric
Intensity of fabric in retrograde assemblage
Orientation of foliation (Sp) and lineation (Lp)
L-, LS- and S-tectonite
Shear sense indicators: block-rotated porphyroclasts, asymmetric augen, SC fabrics, discrete shear bands, mica-fish, and tension-gash arrays (r,n,d,s), reverse, normal, dextral sinistral
Mineralogical segregation or banding

Magmatic Fabrics (Mf)
Intensity and orientation of foliations (Sm) and lineations (Lm)
Minerals that define the shape and/or crystallographic preferred orientations
Angle between crystallographic and shape fabrics
Orientation of subfabrics

Compositional Layering (Cl)/Gradational Boundaries (Gb)
Type of layering (e.g., sedimentary, igneous cumulate, alteration, etc.)
Orientation, thickness, and density of layers

Igneous Contacts (Ic)
Orientation and density
Concordant or discordant

Crosscutting Relationships
Intrusive relationships, relative chronology of the different fabrics
Angle between compositional layering and magmatic or crystal-plastic fabric

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