Figure F1. Downhole distributions of the high-temperature microscopic veins and interfingering textures of clinopyroxene. We have no data on the veins and interfingering texture for the upper 500 m interval of Hole 735B cored during Leg 118. A. Occurrence of the high-temperature microscopic veins shown in horizontal lines. Solid circles = Mg# (mol) of normative mafic silicate calculated for the cored samples of Hole 735B. B. Occurrence of the interfingering texture of clinopyroxene is shown by horizontal lines. Solid circles = An% (mol) of normative plagioclase of the cored samples. Whole-rock data for normative calculation are from Robinson, Von Herzen, et al. (1989) and Dick, Natland, Miller, et al. (1999). In the calculation, Fe3+ was assumed as 0.1 total Fe. Basaltic and diabasic rocks, felsic veins, and strongly altered rocks are not included in the normative calculations.