Figure F6. Occurrence of the high-temperature microscopic vein (HTMV) with intergrowths. Photomicrograph of a high-temperature microscopic vein cutting a clinopyroxene (Cpx) oikocryst and plagioclase (Plag) chadacryst in olivine gabbro (Sample 176-735B-156R-3 [Piece 5, 51-54 cm]). A. Cross-polarized light; field of view = 3.2 mm. B. Plane-polarized light; field of view = 1.3 mm. The rectangle shown in (A) shows the location of (B). The high-temperature microscopic vein is running from upper left to lower right in these figures. Note the symmetrical occurrence of intergrowths (Ig) of brown amphibole (Amp) + orthopyroxene (Opx) on both sides of the high-temperature microscopic vein (B). This clinopyroxene oikocryst includes three irregular-shaped grains of clinopyroxene (IfIg) which show vermicular or symplectitic intergrowth of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene. These are interfingering textures cut in different directions from those shown in Figure F7C and F7D. (Continued on next page.)