Table T2. Statistical analyses of QP, QS1, and QS2 measurements for samples collected during Leg 176.
Points 30 (24) 33 33
Min 8 (8) 71.8 42.2
Max 308 (94.2) 8.4 8.2
Mean 64.3 (35.1) 22 21
Median 38.9 (35.7) 18.8 22.6
Standard deviation 69 (20.1) 12.7 7.9
Standard error 12.6 (4.1) 2.2 1.4

Notes: Mean =
Standard deviation =
Standard error =

Statistics based on Q measured at 200 MPa confining pressure. Statistics in parenthesis for QP are based on values less than 100. Sampling interval is from 600 to 1500 mbsf.