Plate P1.
Full thin section views of felsic and plagioclase + amphibole and plagioclase +
diopside veins in Hole 735B. Note the sharp vein contacts in all samples. 1.
Plagioclase + quartz vein cutting gabbro (Sample 176-735B-54R-4, 69-78 cm). 2.
Large plagioclase-rich vein containing small amounts of epidote, chlorite,
greenish brown amphibole, titanite, and zeolite cutting gabbro. Irregular patch
in center of vein is dark brown aphanitic material (Sample 176-735B-58R-3, 0-8
cm). 3. Plagioclase +
amphibole vein cutting gabbro. Vein is zoned with plagioclase along the margins
and green amphibole in the center. The vein also contains small amounts of
diopside, epidote, and brown clay minerals (Sample 176-735B-45R-3, 107-112 cm). 4.
Plagioclase + amphibole vein cutting olivine gabbro. Vein consists chiefly of
small, granular plagioclase crystals with a band of greenish brown amphibole in
the center (Sample 176-735B-31R-3, 4-10 cm). All scale bars = 10 mm. Click on
image or highlighted number to see enlargement.