Plate P3.
Photomicrographs of plagioclase + diopside and plagioclase + amphibole veins in
Hole 735B. 1. Fine-grained
felsic vein with a band of green diopside along the center. Large light brown
grain and smaller reddish grain are titanite. Matrix of the diopside-rich zone
consists of dark, aphanitic material (Sample 176-735B-121R-1, 81-86 cm). 2.
Coarse-grained felsic vein with narrow band of green amphibole near center.
Reddish brown grain is titanite (Sample 176-735B-170R-2, 15-21 cm). 3.
Well-developed plagioclase + amphibole vein with distinct mineral zoning. Note
the thin band of brown amphibole where the vein cuts clinopyroxene in the host
rock. This is followed inward by a band of plagioclase with a few crystals of
green amphibole, followed in turn by bands of dark, aphanitic material with some
small crystals of green amphibole (Sample 176-735B-192R-6, 46-51 cm). 4.
Same vein as in 3 with crossed polars. This view shows the granular nature of
the plagioclase (Sample 176-735B-192R-6, 46-51 cm.). All scale bars = 1 mm.
Click on image or highlighted number to see enlargement.