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Table T7. Specifications of the downhole tools deployed during Leg 177.

Tool string Tool Measurement Sample
Depth of
Approximate vertical
Triple combination HNGS Natural gamma ray 15 Variable 45
APS Porosity 5 or 15 15 15-30
HLDS Bulk density, PEF 2.5 or 15 15-60 15-45
DIT Resistivity 2.5 or 15 38/76/150 59/150/200
GHMT NGT Natural gamma ray 15 Variable 45
NMRT Total magnetic field 5 Variable 15-30
SUMT Magnetic susceptibility 5 Variable 15-30

Notes: Tool abbreviations: HNGS = hostile environment natural gamma-ray sonde, APS = accelerator porosity sonde, HLDS = hostile environment litho-density sonde, DIT = dual induction tool, GHMT = geologic high-resolution magnetic tool, NGT = natural gamma-ray spectrometry tool, NMRT = nuclear magnetic resonance tool, SUMT = susceptibility magnetic tool. PEF = photoelectric factor.

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