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Figure F8. Depth-age profile determined from geomagnetic reversals and diatom and radiolarian datums at Site 1095. Paleomagnetic data were drawn from analysis of split-core (X's) and GHMT logging data (diamonds). Separate curves for split-core (thin line) and GHMT magnetic data (heavy broken line) are interpolations that pass through all data points within each data set and match the slopes at those points. Diatom and radiolarian datum intervals are marked with a circle (radiolarian) and with a dark bar (diatom). B = base first occurrence, T = top last occurrence, TC = top of common occurrence/last common occurrence. P. sulcata abundance is shown with gray shaded bars. The hole is barren of microfossils below ~520 mbsf. Mean sedimentation rates (underlined) determined for the three intervals show an uphole decrease.

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