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Figure F15. Diatom stratigraphy at Site 1097. On the left are total diatom abundance, the quantity of selected diatom species with depth, and diatom zonal assignments for certain samples; on the right are the abundance of selected diatoms recovered in smear slides, neritic and shelf diatom species assemblages (>20-µm slides), and benthic foraminifer zones. Dark gray bars = intervals with no fine sediment recovery; light gray bars = intervals of very rare occurrence of diatoms. *1 = The absence of Fragilariopsis barronii and presence of other Fragilariopsis species shows that there is a possibility of this age assignment. *2 = The absence of Thalassiosira complicata below this sample also shows a possible age assignment. A = abundant, C = common, F = frequent, R = rare, + = present.

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