

F1. Location of Site 1101 on Drift 4 with MCS profile IT92-114 and 3.5-kHz profile.

F2. Seismic windows at proposed sites APRIS-06A and -05A.

F3. 3.5-kHz sub-bottom profile across Site 1101, acquired during site approach.

F4. Lithostratigraphic column for Site 1101 including percent biogenic component.

F5. Sand-silt-clay ratio, percent biogenic and terrigenous, pebble occurrence, and linear sedimentation rate, Site 1101.

F6. Graded vitric ash bed, interval 178-1101A-2H-1, 103-122 cm.

F7. Laminated facies from interval 178-1101A-2H-3, 49-73 cm, Unit I.

F8. Magnetic susceptibility data, chromaticity parameter b*, and percent carbonate for Unit II.

F9. Facies Mf, interval 178-1101A-7H-7, 2-20 cm.

F10. Laminated Facies L2 and C in interval 178-1101A-10H-6, 17-39 cm.

F11. Turbidite, Unit II, interval 178-1101A-14H-2, 97-112 cm.

F12. Facies C within biscuits of interval 178-1101A-24X-1, 44-64 cm.

F13. L1 facies within Unit III, interval 178-1101A-23X-6, 37-59 cm.

F14. Diamict facies in Unit III, interval 178-1101A-22X-2, 130-150 cm.

F15. Dropstone from Section 178-1101A-6H-5.

F16. Zonal assignments of Site 1101 for calcareous nannofossils, diatoms, radiolarians, and foraminifers.

F17. Histogram of inclinations at Site 1101 after AF demagnetization at 30 mT.

F18. Inclination and intensity of the magnetization for Hole 1101A after AF demagnetization at 30 mT.

F19. Variation in headspace methane concentration with depth, Hole 1101A.
