F1. Bathymetry of the Atlantis II transform fault.
F2. Three-dimensional shaded-relief image of the Atlantis Bank along the wall of the Atlantis II Transform fault.
F3. Summary of visually defined lithologic intervals and syntheses units of Hole 1105A.
F4. A planar interface between layers of massive medium-grained gabbro and massive coarse-grained gabbro.
F5. A regular layer with high concentration of Fe-Ti oxide minerals in coarse-grained gabbro.
F6. Medium-grained olivine gabbro with adcumulate texture.
F7. Contact between fine-grained olivine gabbro with granular texture and a medium-grained olivine gabbro.
F8. FMS image over the depth interval 93-100 mbsf in Hole 1105A.
F9. Filtered whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements.
F10. Poikilitic clinopyroxene enclosing anhedral plagioclase grains in medium-grained olivine gabbro.
F11. Highly strained ribbon grains of plagioclase in mylonitic fine-grained matrix.
F12. Site map in the Eastern Indian Ocean showing the location of Ninetyeast Ridge and NERO Site 1107.
F13. Schematic illustration of cased borehole configuration at Hole 1107A