autocorrelation, B1:12–13
spectra, B1:11
vs. depth, B1:16–17
accelerometers, amplitude spectra, A5:21
accessory minerals, gabbro, B(synthesis):9–11
alteration, A2:5
hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
fractional crystallization, A4:41–42, 47–48
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):18
lithology, A2:5–6
photomicrograph, A4:108, 116
structure, B(synthesis):46
See also heteradcumulate
adcumulate, poikilitic, fractional crystallization, A4:41–42
albite, photomicrograph, A4:128
amphibolite gneiss, A4:9
Site 1105, A4:42–48
styles, A4:43–44
vs. depth, A4:97
false-color map in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):84
mineral chemistry, B2:10–12
vs. magnesium number, B2:38
vs. titanium, B2:39
See also titanium/aluminum ratio
aluminum, tetrahedral
vs. titanium, B(synthesis):87
vs. titanium oxide in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):88
aluminum oxide
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):23
vs. depth, A4:123
vs. magnesium number in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
amphibole, photomicrograph, A4:120; B2:33
amphibolite gneiss, composition, A4:9
amplitude, vs. depth, B1:14
cumulates, B2:52
gabbro, B2:30
histogram in plagioclase, B(synthesis):90
major elements, B2:56–60
mineral chemistry, B2:10
mole percent, B2:51
vs. augite, B2:49
vs. depth, B(synthesis):92; B2:45
vs. forsterite, B(synthesis):91; B2:49, 52
vs. magnesium number, B(synthesis):91; B2:46
vs. orthoclase, B2:35
vs. potassium oxide in plagioclase, B(synthesis):89
major elements, B2:74
mineral chemistry, B2:12
phase equilibria, B2:44
photomicrograph, B2:33
apatite gabbro
lithologic units, A4:31–34
petrography, A4:40–41; B2:9
photomicrograph, A4:120–121
Atlantis II Fracture Zone
free-air gravity maps, A4:73
gabbro, B2:3–4
tectonics, B(synthesis):4–7
Atlantis II transform fault
bathymetry, A1:14; A4:74
three-dimensional image, A4:75
Atlantis Bank
bathymetry, A4:77
drilling, A1:1–26
shaded-relief image, A1:15
tectonics, A4:6–14; B(synthesis):7
three-dimensional shaded-relief image, A4:78
composition, B2:53–55
gabbro, B(synthesis):22–23; B2:14–16
photomicrograph, B2:29
vs. anorthite, B2:49
vs. depth, B2:47–48
Australo-Indian plate, intraplate seismicity, A5:18
basement, A1:11–12
melts, B(synthesis):19
basalt, A1:11–12
core-log correlation, B3:1–29
Atlantis II Transform Fault, A1:14; A4:74; B(synthesis):58–60
Atlantis Bank, A4:77
major elements, B2:75
mineral chemistry, B2:12
boreholes, casing, A5:20
boundary layer, fractionation, B(synthesis):31
Bouvet Triple Junction, tectonics, B(synthesis):4
Broken Ridge, free-air gravity maps, A5:19
bulk density logs, vs. depth, A4:156, 159; B1:17
amphibolite gneiss, A4:9
hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
calcium, vs. iron, B2:40
calcium oxide, gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47
caliper logs, vs. depth, A4:155
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):15
vs. cerium/ytterbium ratio, B(synthesis):79
vs. depth, B(synthesis):81, 104
vs. ytterbium, B(synthesis):79
cerium/ytterbium ratio
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):15
vs. cerium, B(synthesis):79
vs. ytterbium, B(synthesis):79
chlorine, phase equilibria, B2:44
alteration, A2:5
hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
gabbro, A2:5
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):17
mineral chemistry, B2:10–11
vs. depth, A4:125
vs. magnesium number, B2:38
chromium, whole-rock, vs. whole-rock magnesium number, B(synthesis):78
chromium oxide
gabbro, B(synthesis):24, 29
vs. depth in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):93
vs. magnesium number in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
alteration, A2:5
backscatter image, B(synthesis):84
cumulates, A4:42
lithologic units, A4:31–34; B(synthesis):9–11, 22–26, 44
magmatic-tectonite textures, A4:51–52
magnesium number and forsterite, B(synthesis):91
major oxides, B(synthesis):117–119
mineral chemistry, B2:10–11, 13–14
petrography, A4:38–41; B2:6–9, 14–21
photograph, A4:126, 139–140
photomicrograph, A4:113–115, 122, 133, 137–138, 141, 143
porphyroclastic textures, A4:53
veins, A4:55
clinopyroxene, elongate, photomicrograph, A4:127–128
clinopyroxene, oikocrystic, photomicrograph, A4:109, 129
clinopyroxene, poikilitic
lithologic units, A4:31
photomicrograph, A1:23; A4:110
clinopyroxene-olivine-opaque minerals, modal composition, A4:107
clinopyroxene-olivine-plagioclase, modal composition, A4:107
clinopyroxene paradox, gabbro, B(synthesis):30
compressional wave velocity, vs. depth, A4:154; B1:16–17
consertal intergrowth, photomicrograph, A4:113
gabbroic rocks, A4:51
photograph, A4:105, 131
copper, gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):17
copper, whole-rock, vs. whole-rock magnesium number, B(synthesis):78
magnetic field, A4:56
paleomagnetism, A4:9
core-log correlation, oceanic basement, B3:1–29
corona structure, textures, B(synthesis):41
Sites 735 and 1105, B(synthesis):64
tie points, B3:24
crust, oceanic
composition, A4:47–48
ophiolite, A4:12
crust, seafloor spreading, A4:6–8
cryptic variations, gabbroic rocks, B2:12–14, 19–20, 47–48
crystal chemistry, gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):28–30
ophiolite, A4:12, 48
quantitative model, B2:14–16
crystallization, in situ, gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):30–34
cumulates, gabbro, A4:41–42, 47–48; B(synthesis):19–21; B2:52
cumulates, ultramafic, ophiolite, A4:12
extent, B(synthesis):103
lithologic correlation, B(synthesis):45–46
massifs, A4:56–57; B(synthesis):34–36, 44–47
petrography, A4:38–41; B2:18
photograph, B3:19
photomicrograph, A4:132; B2:27, 29
deformation, brittle, petrography, A4:40
deformation, crystal-plastic
lithology, A2:5; B(synthesis):47–49
photograph, A4:134–136, 146
deformation, ductile, lithology, A2:5; A4:47–48
deformation, high-stress crystal-plastic, strain localization, A4:53–54
deformation, melt-induced, structure, B(synthesis):46–47
deformation bands, photomicrograph, A4:111; B2:27, 29
density, bulk, gabbroic rocks, A4:63–64
depth, curated, to top of cored interval, B3:29
differentiation, magmatic veins, A4:37
diopside, quadrilateral plot, B(synthesis):86
dip azimuth, rose diagrams, B3:20
dipping layer, photograph, B3:19
downhole logging, Site 1105, A4:60–65
drilling, lithologic boundaries, B1:1–17
ductile zones, porphyroclastic textures, A4:53
dunite, ophiolite, A4:13
elongate minerals
massifs, A4:56–57
photomicrograph, A4:127–128
enstatite, quadrilateral plot, B(synthesis):86
ephemeral chambers, ophiolite, A4:13
epidote, hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
exsolution lamellae
gabbro, A4:41; B(synthesis):26, 42
photomicrograph, A4:122
gabbroic rocks, A4:50–53
massifs, A4:56–57
styles, A4:43–44
tectonics, B(synthesis):5–7
fabric, corrugation, tectonics, B(synthesis):5–7
fabric, crystal-plastic, lithology, A2:5
fabric, high-temperature crystal-plastic, gabbroic rocks, A4:52
fabric, planar, primocrysts, A4:35; B2:18
brittle structures, A4:54–56
tectonics, B(synthesis):5–7
faults, conjugate, tectonics, B(synthesis):6
faults, detachment
massifs, A4:56
schematic model, A4:150
unroofing, A4:7
tectonics, B(synthesis):6–7
faults, normal, tectonics, B(synthesis):6
faults, ridge-parallel, tectonics, B(synthesis):6
faults, transform
gabbro, B2:3–4
rift valleys, A4:6–8
tectonics, B(synthesis):5
Federation of Digital Seismic Networks, experiments, A5:17
felsic rocks, lithology, A2:4–6
ferrosilite, quadrilateral plot, B(synthesis):86
fluid inclusions, photomicrograph, A4:121
fluorine, phase equilibria, B2:44
gabbroic rocks, A4:51; B(synthesis):63; B3:9
massifs, A4:56–57
photograph, B3:23
photomicrograph, A4:133; B2:27
foliation, crystal-plastic porphyroclastic, photograph, A4:134–136; B(synthesis):42
Formation MicroScanner imaging, lithology, A1:21; B(synthesis):102; B3:7–29
Formation MicroScanner imaging logs, vs. depth, A4:157–158; B(synthesis):62
cumulates, B2:52
gabbro, B2:31
histogram in olivine, B(synthesis):90
vs. anorthite, B(synthesis):91; B2:49, 52
vs. depth, B(synthesis):92
vs. magnesium number, B(synthesis):91
vs. manganese, B2:36
vs. manganese oxide, B(synthesis):83, 93
vs. nickel oxide, B(synthesis):83
fractional crystallization
cumulates, A4:41–42
gabbro, B(synthesis):31–34; B2:14–21
modeling, B2:76
See also perfect fractional crystallization
boundary layer, B(synthesis):31
olivine gabbro, A4:8–9; B(synthesis):31
fracture zones
gabbro, B2:3–4
tectonics, B(synthesis):5–7
brittle structures, A4:54–56; B3:8–9
massifs, A4:56–57
photograph, A4:147–149; B3:17–18
photomicrograph, A4:145
tectonics, B(synthesis):6
fractures, brittle, lithology, A2:6
fractures, vein-filled, brittle structures, A4:54–56
free-air gravity maps
Atlantis II Fracture Zone, A4:73; B(synthesis):57
Ninetyeast Ridge, A5:19
fractional crystallization, B2:14–16
lithologic units, A4:31–34
lithology, A2:4–6; B(synthesis):8
melts, B2:14–16
modal variations, B2:28
ophiolite, A4:12
petrography, A4:38–41; B2:6–9
petrology, A4:30–42; B2:1–76
photograph, A4:101–102
pseudostratigraphy, B(synthesis):7–11
quantitative model, B2:14–16
synthesis, B(synthesis):1–125
tectonics, B2:3–4
See also apatite gabbro; iron-titanium oxide gabbro; leucogabbro; microgabbro; olivine gabbro; oxide gabbro; oxide olivine gabbro
gabbro, coarse-grained
lithologic units, A4:31–34
photograph, A4:130
photomicrograph, A4:132
gabbro, fine-grained, petrology, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8
gabbro, leucocratic
lithology, A2:5–6
photograph, A4:146
See also leucogabbro
gabbro, massive, photograph, A1:17–18
gabbro, medium-grained
petrology, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8
photograph, A4:103
gabbro, medium-grained granular, photomicrograph, A4:115
gabbro, meta-oxide, photograph, A4:134–136
gabbro, pegmatitic
petrology, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8
photograph, A4:130
photomicrograph, A4:114
gabbro, troctolitic, lithology, A2:4–6
gabbroic rocks
exposure, A4:76
grain size, B(synthesis):7–8
modal composition, A4:107; B(synthesis):66–67
petrology, A4:30–42
rotation, A4:56
structures, A4:48–50
transform valleys, A4:7
gabbroic rocks, gneissic, photomicrograph, A4:133
composition, A4:9
lithology, A2:4–6
petrography, B2:8–9
petrology, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8
gabbronorite, olivine-bearing, photomicrograph, A4:117
gain-size layering, petrology, A4:37
gamma ray logs
gabbroic rocks, A4:63
vs. depth, A4:155, 157; B1:16
gabbro, A2:5
gabbroic rocks, A4:8–9, 179–182
Site 1105, A4:45–48
synthesis, B(synthesis):1–125
geochemistry, whole-rock, gabbro, B(synthesis):11–21
geology, tectonics, B(synthesis):4–7
Geophysical Ocean-Bottom Observatory, drilling, A1:1–26
GEOSCOPE, experiments, A5:17
gneissic textures, equigranular, gabbroic rocks, A4:52
gradational contacts, petrology, A4:34–35
grain size
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):7–8
lithologic units, A4:31–34
petrography, A4:41
photograph, A4:103
porphyroclastic textures, A4:52–53
vs. depth, A4:95–96; B2:26
granophyre, petrology, B(synthesis):8
greenschist facies, alteration, A4:44
halite, photomicrograph, A4:121
hammer-drilling system
casing, A4:2–4, 80–86
drilling, A1:2–3; A4:1–183
engineering and scientific objectives, A4:4–5, 28–29, 165–178
photograph, A4:87–92
hedenbergite, quadrilateral plot, B(synthesis):86
hematite, phase equilibria, B2:41
heteradcumulate, fractional crystallization, A4:47
hornblende, brown
hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
photomicrograph, A4:108, 114
veins, A4:55
hornblende, green, hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44
hornblende, petrography, A4:38–41
hydrothermal alteration, petrology, A4:42–44
hydroxyl ion, phase equilibria, B2:44
igneous banding, gabbroic rocks, A4:51
igneous contacts, petrology, A4:34–37
igneous laminations
gabbroic rocks, A4:50–53
lithology, A2:5
petrology, A4:35; B(synthesis):8, 63
photomicrograph, A4:99, 127
vs. depth, A4:98
igneous petrology, A4:29–42
composition, B(synthesis):26
major elements, B2:69–73
oxygen fugacity, B2:43
phase equilibria, B2:41
photomicrograph, B2:33
inclusions, photomicrograph, A4:117
index properties, gabbroic rocks, A4:60
Indian Ocean, seismicity, A5:18
Indian Ocean E, drilling, A1:1–26
Indian Ocean Triple Junction, tectonics, B(synthesis):4–5
intercumulus melts, gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):35
International Ocean Network, drilling, A1:1–26
intrusive contacts, petrology, A4:34–35
false-color map in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):84
mineral chemistry, B2:10–12
phase equilibria, B2:41
vs. calcium, B2:40
vs. magnesium, B2:40
iron oxide
gabbro, A2:5; B2:12–21
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):13
histogram of whole-rock distribution, B(synthesis):69
vs. depth, A4:123; B(synthesis):81; B2:45
vs. silica, B2:50
iron oxide, whole-rock, vs. whole-rock titanium oxide, B(synthesis):70
iron-titanium oxide
cumulates, A4:42
gabbroic rocks, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8
lithologic units, A4:31; B(synthesis):27–28
mineral chemistry, B2:11–12, 14–21
modal layering, A4:36–37
olivine gabbro, A2:4–6
petrography, A4:38–41; B2:6–9
photograph, A1:18; A4:102, 131
photomicrograph, A4:114, 118, 120; B2:27, 33
iron-titanium oxide gabbro, photomicrograph, B2:33
irregular contacts, petrology, A4:34–35
Kerguelen Plateau, free-air gravity maps, A5:19
kink band deformation
photomicrograph, B2:27
textures, B(synthesis):42
laminations. See igneous laminations
lanthanum, gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):15
layer contacts, petrology, A4:34–35
layered intrusions
lithology, A2:4–6; B2:4–5, 17–21
ophiolite, A4:12
lithologic units, A4:31, 51; B(synthesis):63
petrology, A4:34–37
photograph, A4:100–103, 139–140
leucocratic layering, petrology, A4:36–37
veins, A4:55; B(synthesis):8
See also gabbro, leucocratic
linear structures, gabbroic rocks, A4:50–53
lithologic boundaries, drilling, B1:1–17
lithologic units
gabbroic rocks, A4:31–34; B(synthesis):8–9; B2:4–5
Unit I, A4:31
Unit II, A4:31–32
Unit III, A4:32–33
Unit IV, A4:33–34
deformation, B(synthesis):45–46
summary, A1:16; A4:93; B(synthesis):61
gabbro, A2:11; A4:30–34; B2:4–5, 26
Site 1105, B(synthesis):7–11
magma chambers
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):33
slow-spreading centers, A4:10–13, 29–48
magma chambers, oceanic, gabbro, B2:1–76
magmatic structures, gabbroic rocks, A4:9
magmatic systems, subaxial, tectonics, B(synthesis):7
false-color map in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):84
mineral chemistry, B2:10–12
vs. iron, B2:40
vs. manganese, B2:42
magnesium number
downhole comparison of Sites 735 and 1105, B(synthesis):82
false-color map in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):84
gabbro, A2:5; B2:12–21
gabbroic rocks, A4:8, 45–47; B(synthesis):12–13, 16–26
histogram in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):90
histogram of whole-rock distribution, B(synthesis):68
mineral chemistry, B2:10–12
olivine, B2:66–68
pyroxene, B2:32, 61–64
vs. aluminum, B2:38
vs. aluminum oxide in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
vs. anorthite, B(synthesis):91; B2:46
vs. chromium, B2:38
vs. chromium oxide in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
vs. depth, A4:125; B(synthesis):81, 92, 104; B2:45
vs. forsterite, B(synthesis):91
vs. manganese, B2:38
vs. manganese oxide in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
vs. nickel oxide in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):93
vs. phosphorus oxide, B2:50
vs. sodium, B2:38
vs. sodium oxide in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
vs. titanium, B2:38
vs. titanium/aluminum ratio, B2:39
vs. titanium oxide in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
vs. titanium oxide in melt, B(synthesis):94
magnesium number, whole-rock
vs. whole-rock chromium, B(synthesis):78
vs. whole-rock copper, B(synthesis):78
vs. whole-rock manganese oxide, B(synthesis):71
vs. whole-rock modal oxide, B(synthesis):70
vs. whole-rock nickel, B(synthesis):78
vs. whole-rock silica, B(synthesis):70
vs. whole-rock titanium oxide, B(synthesis):70–71
magnesium oxide
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47
vs. depth, A4:125
magnesium oxide, whole-rock, vs. whole-rock titanium oxide, B(synthesis):70
magnetic declination, vs. depth, A4:153
magnetic field
inclination, A2:6; A4:56
Site 1105, A1:9
structures, A4:56
magnetic inclination
gabbroic rocks, A4:59
schematic model, A4:150
vs. depth, A4:153
magnetic intensity, vs. depth, A4:153
magnetic susceptibility
gabbroic rocks, A4:58; B3:9
pseudostratigraphy, B(synthesis):7–11
shear zones, A2:6
vs. depth, A4:94; B(synthesis):64; B2:26; B3:15–16, 25–26
magnetic susceptibility, whole-core, vs. depth, A1:22; A4:151–152
hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
vs. depth, B3:25–26
major elements
apatite, B2:74
biotite, B2:75
clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):117–119
comparison of plutonics of Site 1105 and basalts of Atlantis II Fracture Zone, B(synthesis):80
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47, 179–182; B(synthesis):12–15, 27–30, 108–110
ilmenite, B2:69–73
olivine, B(synthesis):120–122; B2:66–68
plagioclase, B(synthesis):123–125; B2:56–60
pyroxene, B2:61–65
titanomagnetite, B2:69–73
vs. depth, A4:159
mineral chemistry, B2:10
vs. forsterite, B2:36
vs. magnesium, B2:42
vs. magnesium number, B2:38
manganese oxide
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):14
vs. forsterite, B(synthesis):83, 93
vs. magnesium number in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
manganese oxide, whole-rock, vs. whole-rock magnesium number, B(synthesis):71
mantle, tectonics, B(synthesis):7
median ridges, transform valleys, A4:7
melanocratic layering, petrology, A4:36–37
gabbro, B2:14–16
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):47–49
See also intercumulus melts
melts, trapped, cerium and magnesium number vs. depth, B(synthesis):104
fractional crystallization, A4:41–42
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):18
metamorphic petrology, A4:42–48
gabbroic rocks, A4:9
styles, A4:43–44
mica, phlogopitic, hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44
microcracks, crystal-plastic deformation, A4:53–54
microfractures, crystal-plastic deformation, A4:54
gain-size layering, A4:37
petrography, B2:9
photomicrograph, B2:34
microstructure, gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):34–35
mineral chemistry
apatite, B2:12
biotite, B2:12
clinopyroxene, B2:10–11
iron-titanium oxide, B2:11–12
olivine, B2:10
orthopyroxene, B2:11
plagioclase, B2:10
modal layering
petrology, A4:36–37
photograph, A4:100
modal variations
gabbro, B(synthesis):9–11, 67, 105–107; B2:28
vs. depth, B(synthesis):67
Mohorovicic discontinuity, gabbroic rocks, A4:7–8
crystal-plastic deformation, A4:53–54; B(synthesis):43–44
photograph, A4:139–140
photomicrograph, A4:141–143, 145
mylonite, porphyroclastic, crystal-plastic deformation, A4:53–54
crystal-plastic deformation, A4:53–54
lithology, A2:5
photomicrograph, A4:132, 137, 141, 143, 145; B2:27
porphyroclastic textures, A4:53
textures, B(synthesis):41
NERO site
drilling, A1:9–11; A4:66–67
site description, A5:1–28
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):17
mineral chemistry, B2:10
vs. depth, A4:125
nickel, whole-rock, vs. whole-rock magnesium number, B(synthesis):78
nickel oxide
vs. depth in olivine, B(synthesis):93
vs. forsterite, B(synthesis):83
vs. magnesium number in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):93
Ninetyeast Ridge
drilling, A1:1–26
free-air gravity maps, A5:19
Ninetyeast Ridge Observatory, drilling, A1:1–26
gabbro, A2:5
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47
vs. depth, A4:124
nuclear logs, gabbroic rocks, A4:63–64
obduction, seafloor spreading, A4:11–13
composition, B2:53–55
cumulates, B2:52
gabbroic rocks, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8–11, 22
lithologic units, A4:31–34
lithology, A2:5
magnesium number and forsterite, B(synthesis):91
major elements, B(synthesis):120–122; B2:66–68
mineral chemistry, B2:10, 13–14
ophiolite, A4:13
petrography, A4:38–41; B(synthesis):40–47; B2:6–9, 14–21
photomicrograph, A4:108, 138; B2:27, 29, 34
vs. depth, A4:94–96; B2:26, 47–48
See also clinopyroxene-olivine-opaque minerals; clinopyroxene-olivine-plagioclase; forsterite
olivine aggregate, photomicrograph, A4:112
olivine gabbro
crystal-plastic deformation, A4:54
geochemistry, A4:8–9
lithologic units, A4:31–34
lithology, A2:4–6
petrography, A4:38–41; B2:7–8
petrology, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8
olivine gabbro, coarse-grained, photomicrograph, A4:111
olivine gabbro, fine-grained, photomicrograph, A1:20, 24; A4:99, 105, 108, 116
olivine gabbro, medium-grained, photomicrograph, A1:19–20, 23; A4:105, 112–113
opaque minerals
photomicrograph, A4:117, 141, 145
vs. depth, A4:94; B2:26, 45
See also clinopyroxene-olivine-opaque minerals
seafloor spreading, A4:11–13
stratigraphy, A4:11–13, 48
typical stratigraphy, A4:79
mineral chemistry, B2:10
vs. anorthite, B2:35
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):18
lithology, A2:5–6
composition, B2:53–55
gabbroic rocks, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8, 26
lithologic units, A4:31–34; B(synthesis):9–11
mineral chemistry, B2:11
petrography, A4:38–41
photomicrograph, A4:117–118; B2:33
oxidation, veins, A4:55
oxide gabbro
composition, A4:9
crystal-plastic deformation, A4:54
lithologic units, A4:31–34
lithology, A2:4–6
modal layering, A4:36–37
orientation, B3:27–28
petrography, A4:38–41; B2:8
petrology, A4:30–42; B(synthesis):8, 34–37
photograph, B3:19
photomicrograph, A4:100, 118, 122, 137
structure, B3:9
oxide gabbro, coarse-grained, photograph, A4:104
oxide gabbro, foliated, photograph, A4:144
oxide gabbro, medium-grained, photomicrograph, A4:119
oxide gabbro, olivine-bearing, photomicrograph, A4:120
oxide gabbronorite, petrography, A4:38–41
oxide olivine gabbro
lithologic units, A4:31–34
petrography, A4:38–41
petrology, A4:30–42
oxide olivine gabbro, fine-grained, photograph, A4:104
oxide-rich zone, correlation, B(synthesis):47
oxides, gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):9–11, 33
oxides, modal, whole-rock, vs. whole-rock magnesium number, B(synthesis):70
oxygen fugacity, vs. temperature, B2:43
paleomagnetism, core, A4:9
partition coefficient, gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):15
perfect fractional crystallization, gabbro, B(synthesis):13
petrography, gabbroic rocks, A4:38–41; B2:6–9
petrology, gabbro, B2:1–76
phosphorus oxide
gabbro, A2:5; B2:17
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):14
oxide gabbro, A4:41
vs. depth, A4:123; B2:45
vs. magnesium number, B2:50
photoelectric effect logs
gabbroic rocks, A4:63–64
vs. depth, A4:156
physical properties, Site 1105, A4:57–60
pigeonite, gabbro, A4:41; B(synthesis):9–11, 26
composition, B2:53–55
cumulates, A4:42; B2:52
hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
lithologic units, A4:31–34; B(synthesis):9–11, 27
magnesium number and anorthite, B(synthesis):91
major elements, B(synthesis):123–125; B2:56–60
mineral chemistry, B2:10, 13–14
petrography, A4:38–41; B(synthesis):40–45; B2:6–9, 16–21
photograph, A4:139–140
photomicrograph, A4:115, 132–133, 138, 141–142, 145
porphyroclastic textures, A4:53
twinning, A4:50–51
veins, A4:55
vs. depth, A4:94–96; B2:26, 47–48
See also albite; anorthite; clinopyroxene–olivine–plagioclase
plagioclase, anhedral, photomicrograph, A1:23
plagioclase, strained, photomicrograph, A1:24
plagioclase, subhedral
photograph, A4:126
photomicrograph, A4:109, 129
plagioclase, tabular, photomicrograph, A4:127
plagioclase, zoned, photomicrograph, A4:116
plagioclase laths
photograph, A4:126
photomicrograph, A4:110
textures, B(synthesis):40
planar contacts, petrology, A4:34–35; B3:18
porosity logs
gabbroic rocks, A4:63–64
vs. depth, A4:156; B1:16-17
porphyroclasts, textures, B(synthesis):40–43
potassium logs, vs. depth, A4:155
potassium oxide
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47
vs. anorthite in plagioclase, B(synthesis):89
preferred orientation
gabbroic rocks, A4:50–53
oxide-bearing lithology, B3:21–22, 27–28
photomicrograph, A4:127–128, 133
textures, B(synthesis):42
prehnite, amphibolite gneiss, A4:9
primocrysts, planar fabric, A4:35
pseudomorphs, petrology, A4:44
pseudostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, B(synthesis):7–11
major elements, B2:61–65
quadrilateral components, B2:37
quadrilateral plot, B(synthesis):86
twinning, A4:51
vs. depth, A4:94–96; B2:26
See also augite; clinopyroxene; ferrosilite; hedenbergite
rare earths
comparison of plutonics of Site 1105 and basalts of Atlantis II Fracture Zone, B(synthesis):80
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):15–19, 72–77, 114–116
gneissic textures, A4:52
hydrothermal alteration, A4:42–44
lithology, A2:5
photograph, A4:139–140
photomicrograph, A4:132–133, 137–138
remanent magnetization, natural, gabbroic rocks, A4:59
resistivity, gabbroic rocks, A4:62–63; B3:8–29
resistivity logs, vs. depth, A4:155; B3:25–26
Riedel shears, photomicrograph, A4:141
rift valleys
gabbro, B2:3–4
tectonics, B(synthesis):5–7
transform faults, A4:6–8
Rodriguez Triple Junction, tectonics, B(synthesis):4
rotation, gabbroic rocks, A4:56
rubidium, gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47
seafloor spreading
rift valleys, A4:6–8
tectonics, B(synthesis):5–7
seismic profiles, location, A5:23, 28
seismic studies
experiments, A5:10–12
gabbroic rocks, A4:65–67, 160–164
spectra, A5:22
seismic while drilling
Site 1105, A4:65–67
Site 1107, A5:10–12
seismicity, intraplate, Indian Ocean, A5:18
serpentine, hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
shear zones
gabbroic rocks, A4:56; B(synthesis):35
layer contacts, A4:51
magnetic susceptibility, A2:6
photograph, A4:130, 144
photomicrograph, A4:143
tectonics, B(synthesis):6
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):9, 14
vs. iron oxide, B2:50
silica, whole-rock
vs. whole-rock iron oxide, B(synthesis):70
vs. whole-rock magnesium number, B(synthesis):70
silicates, composition, B2:53–55
Site 735
correlation of oxide-rich zone with Site 1105, B(synthesis):47
gabbro cumulates, B2:52
gabbroic rocks, A4:8–9
Site 757, drilling, A1:9
Site 1104, A2:2–3
drilling, A1:5–6; A4:19–23
hammer drill site, A4:1–183
principal results, A2:2–3
site description, A2:2–3
Site 1105, A2:3–6; A4:1–183
acceleration, B1:5–6
alteration, A4:42–48
core-log correlation, B3:1–29
coring summary, A2:12
correlation of oxide-rich zone with Site 735, B(synthesis):47
downhole logging, A4:60–65
drilling, A1:7–9; A4:23–24
gabbro, B2:1–76
geochemistry, A4:45–48
igneous petrology, A4:29–42
lithology summary, A1:16
lithostratigraphy, A2:11; A4:30–34; B(synthesis):7–11
magnetic susceptibility, B(synthesis):7–11
metamorphic petrology, A4:42–48
operations, A4:14–29, 183
physical properties, A4:57–60
principal results, A2:3–6
seismic while drilling, A4:65–67
site description, A2:3–6; A4:1–183
structural geology, A4:48–57
Site 1106, A2:6–8
drilling, A1:6–7; A4:24–27
hammer drill site, A4:1–183
principal results, A2:6–8
site description, A2:6–8
Site 1107, A2:8–10; A5:1–28
acceleration, B1:6
background, A5:2–3
drilling, A1:9–11
NERO site, A5:1–28
operations, A5:7–10
principal results, A2:8–10
scientific objectives, A5:3–6
seismic while drilling, A5:10–12
site description, A2:8–10; A5:1–28
site selection and characteristics, A5:6–7
Skaergaard intrusion, gabbro cumulates, B2:52
slow-spreading centers, rift valleys, A4:6–8
amphibolite gneiss, A4:9
hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
photograph, A4:147–149
mineral chemistry, B2:10–12
vs. magnesium number, B2:38
sodium oxide, vs. magnesium number in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
sonic logs, gabbroic rocks, A4:64
Southwest Indian Ridge
core-log correlation, B3:1–29
drilling, A1:1–26; A4:1–14, 17–29
free-air gravity maps, A4:73
synthesis, B(synthesis):1–125
tectonics, A4:6–8
seismic studies, A5:22
vs. depth, B1:15
sphene. See titanite
spinel, ophiolite, A4:13
photomicrograph, A4:133, 144
veins, A4:55
strain localization, crystal-plastic deformation, A4:53–54
ophiolite, A4:11–13
synthesis, B(synthesis):1–125
strontium, gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):15
structural geology, Site 1105, A4:48–57
gabbroic rocks, A4:48–50; B(synthesis):34–35
magnetic field, A4:56
synthesis, B(synthesis):1–125
structure, brittle
gabbroic rocks, A4:9, 54–56
massifs, A4:56–57
structure, crystal-plastic, gabbroic rocks, A4:9, 47–48
structure, ductile, massifs, A4:56–57
lithologic units, A4:31
petrography, A4:38–41
photomicrograph, A4:118
symplectic intergrowth, photomicrograph, A4:115
talc, hydrothermal alteration, A4:43–44; B(synthesis):8
tectonic contacts, petrology, A4:34–35
tectonic windows
seafloor spreading, A4:11–13
tectonics, B(synthesis):7
gabbro, B2:3–4
geology, B(synthesis):4–7
rift valleys, A4:6–8
gabbroic rocks, A4:64–65
vs. oxygen fugacity, B2:43
gabbroic rocks, A4:30–34, 50–53; B(synthesis):36–44
gain-size layering, A4:37
lithologic units, A4:31–34
lithology, A2:5
textures, coarse-grained, gabbroic rocks, A4:50–53
textures, cumulate
lithology, A2:5–6
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):65
textures, fine-grained, gabbroic rocks, A4:50–53
textures, granular
lithologic units, A4:31
petrography, A4:39–41
photomicrograph, A1:20
textures, magmatic-tectonite, deformation, A4:51–52
textures, medium-grained, gabbroic rocks, A4:50–53
textures, metamorphic, lithology, A2:5
textures, moderately recrystallized
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):38–47
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):97
textures, moderately recrystallized to porphyroclastic
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):40–41
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):98
textures, mylonitic
gabbroic rocks, A4:30–34; B(synthesis):43–44
hydrothermal alteration, A4:42–44
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):101
textures, oikocryst
lithology, A2:5
petrography, A4:39
photomicrograph, A4:109–110, 129
textures, poikilitic
hydrothermal alteration, A4:42–44
photomicrograph, B2:29
textures, porphyroclastic
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):41–42
hydrothermal alteration, A4:42–44
lithology, A2:5; A4:47
photograph, A4:134–136, 139–140
photomicrograph, A4:137–138, 141, 143, 145; B(synthesis):99; B2:27
textures, porphyroclastic to mylonitic
gabbroic rocks, A4:30–34; B(synthesis):42–43
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):100
textures, porphyroclastics, recrystallization, A4:52–53
textures, ultramylonitic
gabbroic rocks, A4:30–34; B(synthesis):44
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):101
textures, undeformed
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):37
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):95
textures, weakly recrystallized
gabbroic rocks, B(synthesis):37–38
photomicrograph, B(synthesis):96
thermal structures, axial, slow-spreading centers, A4:10
thorium logs, vs. depth, A4:155
petrography, A4:40–41
photomicrograph, A4:119
mineral chemistry, B(synthesis):15; B2:10–12
phase equilibria, B2:41
vs. aluminum, B2:39
vs. magnesium number, B2:38
vs. tetrahedral aluminum in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):87
titanium/aluminum ratio, vs. magnesium number, B2:39
titanium oxide
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):9, 13–14, 25, 32; B2:12–20
vs. depth, A4:123; B(synthesis):81; B2:45
vs. magnesium number in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):85
vs. magnesium number in melt, B(synthesis):94
vs. tetrahedral aluminum in clinopyroxene, B(synthesis):88
See also iron-titanium oxide
titanium oxide, whole-rock
vs. whole-rock iron oxide, B(synthesis):70
vs. whole-rock magnesium number, B(synthesis):70–71
vs. whole-rock magnesium oxide, B(synthesis):70
composition, B(synthesis):26
major elements, B2:69–73
oxygen fugacity, B2:43
phase equilibria, B2:41
photomicrograph, B2:33
trace elements, gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47, 179–182; B(synthesis):15–17, 111–113
transform valleys
median ridges, A4:7
tectonics, B(synthesis):5
transverse ridges
tectonics, B(synthesis):6
transform valleys, A4:7
traveltime, vs. depth, A5:24–27
lithology, A2:4–6
veins, A4:55
photomicrograph, A4:127–128
plagioclase, A4:50–51
pyroxene, A4:51
ultramylonite, crystal-plastic deformation, A4:53–54; B(synthesis):44–45
undulose extinction, lithology, A2:5
detachment faults, A4:7
massifs, A4:56
schematic model, A4:150
uplifts, gabbro, B2:3–4
uranium logs, vs. depth, A4:155
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47
vs. depth, A4:124
veins, alteration, A2:5
veins, felsic
lithologic units, A4:31–34; B(synthesis):63
petrography, A4:38–41
petrology, A4:30–42
photograph, A4:106, 144
structure, B(synthesis):7
vs. depth, A4:97
veins, leucocratic gabbro, photograph, A4:146
veins, magmatic
brittle structures, A4:54–56
petrology, A4:37
veins, smectite-clay, photograph, A4:147–149
velocity, gabbroic rocks, A4:59–60
velocity logs, vs. depth, A4:156; B1:16
vibration, drilling, B1:1–17
gabbroic rocks, A4:60–65
orientation, B3:21–22
See also core-log correlation
vs. cerium, B(synthesis):79
vs. cerium/ytterbium ratio, B(synthesis):79
See also cerium/ytterbium ratio
gabbro, A2:5
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):9
vs. depth, A4:124
zeolite, amphibolite gneiss, A4:9
zinc, vs. depth, A4:124
gabbroic rocks, A4:45–47; B(synthesis):9
vs. depth, A4:124; B(synthesis):81
zoning, photomicrograph, B2:29