Size Minerals Rock Fragments Minerals Thin-section number "Core, section, interval (cm)" Depth (mbsf) Described by Lithology (dominant/minor) Sand Silt Clay Minerals (%) Quartz Strained Unstraind Feldspar Multiple twins Single/untwinned Mica Biotite Muscovite Calcite Chlorite Accessory minerals Clinopyroxene Amphibole Olivine Epidote Opaques Rock fragments (%) Plutonic Volcanic Rhyolitic/dacitic Vitric Andesitic/basaltic Dolerite Sedimentary Limestone Siltstone Metamorphic Calcite-schist Polycrystalline quartz of uncertain origin Serpentinite Matrix/cement (%) Bioclasts (%) Foraminifers Benthic Planktonic Shell debris Algae Echinoderms Bryozoa/Corals Carbonaceous detritus Sediment or rock name Comments 180-1114A- 132 "1-R-CC, 34-36" 0.34 TRS/AR R C C 20 C a A r c C a R C R a r R 2 A r r r 68 10 A a C Siltstone "Fragments of devitrified glass, claystone-filled burrows." 133 "3R-1, 50-52" 17.1 TRS/AR C A C 60 R a A c c C a r R R R c r r R 5 A c c R c c 30 5 C a A Siltstone "Claystone-filled burrows, rare phosphate grains, calcareous matrix, minor carbonate cement, chloritized micas" 134 "5R-1, 24-26" 36.04 TRS/AR A R 70 C a A c c C a c R C R a c C 10 R A c c c R c c 10 10 C a A Medium- grained sandstone "Pyrite-filled foraminifers, moderate sorting, angular detrital minerals , subangular rock fragments, glassy basalt fragments, fresh glass shards (pipe vesicles)" 135 "9R-2, 15-17" 75.77 TRS/AR A C R 78 C a C c c C a c R C R c c r 15 A r c c R c c 5 2 C a R A Fine-grained sandstone "Moderate sorting, angular to subangular detrital minerals and rock fragments, aligned carbonaceous detritus defining a weak laminae" 136 "11R-CC, 18-20" 95.25 TRS/AR A R C 40 C a A c c C a C C R a r C 10 A a c C c c 49 1 A a R Fine-grained sandstone "Angular to subangular detrital minerals, angular to subangular rock fragments, moderately sorted, sparry calcite cement" 137 "12R-1, 3-4" 103.23 TRS/AR A C C 50 R a A c c A R R R a r 30 C c r C c a r 19 1 C a A Fine-grained sandstone "Angular to subangular grains, moderately sorted, sharp mineral boundaries, abundant micritic cement" 138 "13R-1, 90-93" 113.7 TRS/AR A R R 50 R a A c c R a R R C a r R 40 A r r r R a 9 1 A a C Medium- grained sandstone "Subangular to angular detrital minerals, subrounded to rounded rock fragments, fresh and altered felspar, olivine basalts" 139 "14R-1, 96-98" 123.36 TRS/AR A C C 40 R a A c c R a R R R a r r 30 R A c r a 29 1 A a Silty clay "Laminae of fine- to medium-grained sandstone (normally graded), fresh and altered feldspar, trace nannofossils" 140 "14R-1, 106-108" 123.46 TRS/AR A R 30 R a A a c R a R R R c r r r 60 R A c c c R a 9 1 A c a R R R Coarse- grained sandstone "Subrounded to well-rounded rock fragments, subangular detrital minerals, brownish fresh glass, silty clay-filled burrows, sparry calcite cement" 141 "15R-1, 46-48" 132.46 TRS/AR A R R 25 R a A a c R a r R R R a r r R 70 A c a 4 1 C a C R C Medium- grained sandstone "Subrounded rock fragments, variolitic and flow texture present in andesite/basaltic rock fragments, minor sparry calcite cement, olivine phenocrysts or clinopyroxene present in basalts" 142 "22R-1, 74-76" 200.14 TRS/AR A C C 50 C a A a r C a r R C R a C 40 A c c C C 5 5 A a R A Fine-grained sandstone "Well-sorted, subrounded rock fragments, weak laminae defined by aligned detrital grains and carbonaceous detritus" 143 "23R-1, 70-72" 209.5 TRS/AR A C R 40 C a A a r C a r R R R c c C 35 A r r a 15 10 R A Fine-grained sandstone "Well-sorted, angular detrital mineral grains, subangular to subrounded rock fragments, laminae indicated by aligned detrital minerals and carboncaeous detritus" 144 "24R-1, 33-35" 218.73 TRS/AR A R R 30 C a A c c R a R R R a r R 60 A c r a R a 9 1 C A C Medium-grained sandstone "Poorly sorted, well-rounded rock fragments, angular detrital minerals, variolitic basalt fragments" 145 "26R-1, 96-97" 238.56 TRS/AR A R 20 R a r C a c R a R R R a c r R 75 R R c r c 5 Coarse-grained sandstone "Poorly sorted, angular detrital minerals, subrounded rock fragments, altered and unaltered feldspars" 146 "28R-CC, 3-7" 256.93 TRS/AR A R 25 R a A a r R a R C a r r 65 R A c r a r 5 5 Coarse-grained sandstone "Poorly sorted, well-rounded rock fragments, angular detrital mineral grains, porphyritic basalt with phenocryst of either clinopyroxene or olivine" 147 "30R-CC, 1-4" 277.07 TRS/AR A R R 30 R a C a r R a R R a r 60 R A c r a 5 5 A Coarse-grained sandstone "Poorly sorted, angular detrital minerals, subrounded lithoclasts, variolitic texture occurs in some of the basalts" Note: A = abundant (51%-100%); C = common (11%-50%); R = rare (1%-10%); lower case letters indicate subcategories of the major constituents.