Size Minerals Rock fragments Bioclasts Thin-section number "Core, section, interval (cm)" Depth (mbsf) Described by Lithology (dominant/minor) Granule Sand Silt Clay Minerals (%) Quartz Strained Feldspar Multiple twins Single/untwinned Mica Biotite Muscovite Carbonate Chlorite Accessory minerals Clinopyroxene Amphibole Opaques Rock fragments (%) Plutonic Volcanic Rhyolitic/dacitic Vitric Andesitic/basaltic Dolerite Sedimentary Limestone Siltstone Metamorphic Schist Polycrystalline quartz of uncertain origin Matrix/cement (%) Bioclasts (%) Foraminifers Benthic Planktonic Shell debris Algae Echinoderms Bryozoa/corals Carbonaceous detritus Sedimentary rock name Comments 180-1115B- 158 "28X-CC, 20-23" 256.75 TS/AR D R C A 10 R a C c c C a c C R R a R 1 A a 88 1 A a Calcareous siltstone "Subrounded porphryritic basalt fragments containing plagioclase and rare hornblende phenocrysts, micritic claystone matix" 159 "30X-CC, 39-40" 275.36 TS/AR D R C A 15 R a C c c C a C R R a 1 A c r c 83 1 A a Calcareous silty claystone "Subrounded grains of porphryritic basalt with angular plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts, fresh glass, burrows, micritic matix" 180-1115C- 161 "2R-1, 17-19" 292.97 TS/AR D R C A 15 R a C c c C a C R R r a 1 A r c c 80 4 A a Calcareous silty claystone "Porphryritic basalt and dacite with plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts, pumice (hornblende phenocrysts), burrows, pyrite-filled foraminifer tests, micritic matrix, shells partly replaced by calcite spar" 162 "5R-1, 40-42" 322.13 TS/AR D R C A 25 R a C c c A a c C R R a 10 A a c R a 61 4 A a Calcareous silty claystone "Common angular to subrounded basalt and pumice fragments, burrows, highly recrystallized and pyrite-filled foraminifer tests, micritic matrix, abundant mica" 163 "6R-2, 17-19" 333.07 TS/AR M C A C 30 C a C c c C a r C R C a 40 A a 30 Fine-grained sandstone "Abundant subangular to angular fresh vesicular colorless glass shards, burrows, matrix is micro spar sized implying some recrystallization of micritic matrix, common chloritized basalt fragments" 164 "6R-5, 114-116" 338.54 TS/AR D C C C 39 C a C c c C a r C R R a 15 A c c 45 1 A a R Calcareous silty claystone "Fine-grained sandstone at base, calcareous claystone matrix, calcite rhombs, pyrite in foraminifers" 165 "7R-2, 33-34" 342.79 TS/AR D R C A 20 R a C c c C a r R R R a R 20 A r a r 58 2 A a Calcareous silty claystone "Angular common fresh glass shards, pyrite-filled foraminifers" 166 "10R-1, 5-7" 369.55 TS/AR D C C C 20 R a A a c C a R R r a R 20 A a r R a 59 1 A a Calcareous silty claystone "Fresh angular detrital mineral grains, zoned plagioclase some of which is altered, rare sand-size and abundant silt-sized biotite grains, pumice fragments with hornblende phenocrysts and common silt-sized glass shards" 167 "11R-4, 57-58" 383.99 TS/AR D C C A 20 R a A a c C a R R a R 20 A a r 59 1 A a Calcareous silty claystone "Fresh angular detrital mineral grains, zoned plagioclase, rare sand-size and abundant silt-size biotite grains, pumice fragments with hornblende phenocrysts, silt-size glass shards" 168 "12R-4, 144-148" 394.34 TS/AR D C C A 30 R a A a c C a R R a R 10 A r a c 58 2 A a Claystone "Angular zoned plagioclase, subrounded pumice, acidic volcanics (phenocrysts of plagioclase and hornblende), single amphibolite clast present, silt-size glass shards, pyrite-filled foraminifers, silty claystone matrix with common biotite, green chloritized glass" 169 "12R-5, 50-53" 394.9 TS/AR D C C A 20 R a A a c C a R R a R 10 A r a 68 2 A a Silty claystone "Common sand-size grains, zoned plagioclase, subrounded pumice and acidic volcanics with phenocrysts of plagioclase and hornblende, silt-size glass shards, pyrite-filled foraminifers, silty clay matrix with common biotite" 170 "13R-4, 140-143" 403.55 TS/AR D C C A 15 R a A a c C a R R a R 5 A r a r 78 2 A a R Silty claystone "Common detrital sand-size grains, zoned plagioclase, subrounded pumice and acidic volcanics with phenocrysts (plagioclase and hornblende), silt-size glass shards, pyrite-filled foraminifers, silty claystone matrix with common biotite, possible intrusive rock fragments" 171 "14R-2, 68-70" 409.82 TS/AR D C C A 20 R a A a c C a R R a R 40 A r a r R a 38 2 A a R Sandy silty claystone "Common sand-size grains, zoned plagioclase, common subrounded pumice and rare basalt and acidic volcanics (both contain phenocrysts of plagioclase and hornblende), silt- size glass shards, pyrite-filled foraminifers, silty claystone matrix with common biotite" 172 "15R-3, 79-83" 421.09 TS/AR M A R R 10 R a A a c R a A R a R 20 A a r r R a R a 10 60 A a a R R R Foraminifer packstone "Abundant bioclasts, rounded to well- rounded porphyritic acidic volcanic fragments containing phenocrysts of feldspar and rare hornblende, rare basalt clasts, angular to subangular mineral grains, sparry calcite cement, aphyric basalts" 173 "16R-2, 4-7" 427.73 TS/AR M A R R 15 R a A a c R a A R a R 25 A a r r 10 50 A a a R R Mixed siltstone "Abundant bioclasts, rounded to well- rounded porphyritic acidic volcanic fragments containing phenocrysts of feldspar and rare hornblende, rare basalt clasts, angular to subangular mineral grains, microspar calcite cement, minor palagonite" 174 "21R-3, 91-93" 477.59 TS/AR D C A C 30 R a A a c R a A R a 10 A c a R a 30 30 A a r C Mixed sandy silty claystone "Common bioclasts, rare rounded to well-rounded basalt clasts, angular to subangular mineral grains, micritic calcite cement, high benthic/planktonic foraminifer ratio implies shallow water" 175 "19R-CC, 8-10" 456.1 TS/AR M A C C 25 R a A a c C a A R R a R 15 A c c R a 20 40 A a r Mixed fine- grained sandstone "Common bioclasts, rare rounded to well-rounded basalt clasts, angular to subangular detrital mineral grains, micritic calcite cement, pyrite cubes and pyrite-filled foraminifers, common angular acidic volcanic grains, rare green chloritic grains" 176 "22R-3, 104-105" 487.8 TS/AR D R C C 30 R a A a c C a A R a R 10 A a 45 15 A c c C R Sandy silty claystone "Common bioclasts, rare rounded to well-rounded chloritized basalt clasts, fresh brown glass, angular to subangular detrital mineral grains, micritic calcite cement, pyrite cubes and pyrite-filled foraminifers" 177 "23R-1, 93-94" 495.03 TS/AR D R C C 30 R a A a c A a R R R a 10 A a 50 10 A c c R R Sandy silty claystone "Rare bioclasts, rare rounded to well- rounded chloritized basalt clasts, fresh brown glass, angular to subangular detrital mineral grains" 178 "24R-3, 49-50" 507.29 TS/AR D C C R 50 C a A c c C a R R a 2 R a c A a 47 1 A r a R R Fine-grained sandstone "Angular to subangular detrital minerals grains, rare rounded siltstone, chloritized basalt fragments, fresh brown glass micritic and chloritic grains, rare microcline" 179 "25R-2, 56-57" 515.46 TS/AR D C C A 40 R a A c c C a R R a 15 R A c c 45 Sandy silty claystone "Angular to subangular detrital mineral grains, rounded chloritized basalt fragments and angular fresh brown glass, rare microcline, large altered plagioclase" 180 "26R-1, 8-9" 523.08 TS/AR M C R A 30 R a A c c R a R R r a R 15 R A a c R c 54 1 A r a Fine-grained sandstone "Angular to subangular detrital mineral grains, subrounded to rounded rock fragments, porphyritic acidic volcanics containing plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts, palagonite, coarse quartz and feldspar intergrowths" 181 "29R-1, 72-73" 552.52 TS/AR M A R R 50 R a A c c R a R R c c 20 R A a r R a 30 Medium- grained sandstone "Angular to subangular detrital mineral grains, rounded to well-rounded rock fragments porphyritic acidic volcanic grains containing plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts sparry cement, altered basalts, microcline, blue chlorite, trachytic textures" 182 "29R-1, 82-83" 552.62 TS/AR D C C C 30 C a A c c R a R R a 15 R A c c 55 1 A a R Calcareous fine- grained sandstone "Angular to subangular detrital mineral grains, rounded to well-rounded rock fragments, chloritized basalt and acidic volcanic fragments" 183 "30R-CC, 10-12" 566.83 TS/AR M A C 20 R a A c c R C a r 60 R A c c a r R a 19 1 A Granule to pebble conglomerate "Very well rounded lithoclasts, subangular to subrounded detrital grains, zoned plagioclase, sparry calcite cement, spherulitic glass shards, brown palagonite, glauconite/chlorite, variolitic basalt fragments" 184 "30R-CC, 16-19" 566.89 TS/AR D C C R 30 R a A c c C r a 20 R A c r c 50 Granule sandstone "Myrmekitic or perthitic fragments, glass spherulites of chalcedony, angular to rounded rock fragments, angular microcline, porphyritc dacites with phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende and rarely clinopyroxene, feldspathic rich siltstone matrix, sparry calcite cement" 185 "30R-5, 45-48" 566.46 TS/AR M A R R 25 R a A a c R R R r c 15 A a c c R a 60 Fine-grained sandstone "Subangular to angular detrital mineral grains, subrounded rock fragments, micritic cement, chloritic altered volcanic grains" 186 "31R-1, 94-96" 571.94 TS/AR M R A A 20 R a C c c C R a 2 A r a 77 1 A a Calcareous siltstone Micritic limestone 187 "32R-1, 138-140" 581.98 TS/AR M A R R 30 R a A a 40 A r a 30 Coarse-grained sandstone "Silty claystone, rounded rock fragments, subrounded to subangular mineral grains, chloritized basalt fragments with zoned plagioclase phenocrysts in a devitrified glass matrix, zoned clinopyroxene, sparry calcite cement, minor chalcedony" 188 "32R-3, 52-55" 583.53 TS/AR D A R 30 R a c R a R A a 40 A r a 30 Coarse-grained sandstone "Silty claystone matrix, detrital minerals dominantly clinopyroxene, rounded rock fragments, subrounded to subangular detrital minerals, zoned plagioclase and clinopyroxene grains, palagonite, pyroxene phyric basalt" 189 "33R-3, 68-71" 593.74 TS/AR M A C C 5 R a R c c A a r 5 A c a R a c R 60 30 A a r R R R Boundstone "Micritic cement, recrystallized foraminifer tests, subangular to subrounded rock fragments, angular to subangular mineral grains" 190 "35R-1, 85-88" 610.25 TS/AR D A R 8 R a R c c C a r r 8 A c c C a R a 14 70 A a c R R R R Packstone "Rounded to well-rounded rock fragments, angular to subangular detrital mineral grains, micritic cement, porphryritic basalt with clinopyroxene and rarely olivine, zoned clinopyroxene" 191 "35R-4, 102-105" 614.69 TS/AR M R C A 10 R a C c c C a r 10 A c r a 75 5 A a r Limestone (silty claystone) "Calcareous silty claystone matrix, laminae defined by more sand-rich layers" 192 "36R-2, 25-27" 620.75 TS/AR D C A A 40 C a C c c R a r R C a c 10 A c c c R a 50 Siltstone "Clay- and silt-size material define a weak laminae, clayey matrix, iron oxide, sparry calcite, rare calcite/muscovite schists" 193 "40R-2, 105-107" 660.35 TS/AR D A C C 50 C a C a c C a R R R a c C 20 C c c c R a 25 5 R a A Silty sandstone "Silty clay matrix, aligned carbonaceous detritus indicates laminae, bioturbation indicated by clay-silt-rich lenses, foraminifers filled with pyrite, rare calcite/mica schist grains" 194 "42R-3, 138-141" 680.77 TS/AR D R C A 30 R a A a c C a R R R a 10 C c c R a 55 5 C a A Silty claystone "Silty clay matrix, aligned carbonaceous detritus indicates laminae, bioturbation indicated by clay- and silt-rich lenses" 195 "43R-4, 111-115" 692.14 TS/AR D A C C 50 C a C a c C a r R R R a R 20 A c c c R a 25 5 R a A Silty sandstone "Silty clay matrix, aligned carbonaceous detritus defines laminae, bioturbation indicated by clayey siltstone lenses, high ratio of mineral grains to lithics" 196 "44R-2, 113-115" 698.71 TS/AR D C C C 50 C a A c c C a r R c c R 10 A c c 39 1 A a Fine-grained sandstone "Normally graded sandstone interlaminated with more silty rich sandstone, angular to subangular detrital feldspars and quartz grains, abundant biotite in the more silt-rich layers, subrounded rock fragments" 197 "48R-2, 13-17" 736.41 TS/AR D R C A 30 C a A c a C a R c R 5 A c c 55 10 R a A Silty claystone "Subangular to angular mineral grains, subrounded rock fragments, silty clay matrix, aligned carbonaceous detritus defines laminae, bioturbation indicated by clayey siltstone lenses" 198 "50R-1, 18-21" 754.48 TS/AR D R C A 40 C a A c c C a R c R 10 A c c 40 10 R a A Silty claystone "Subangular to angular mineral grains, subrounded chloritic basalt fragments, silty clay matrix, aligned carbonaceous detritus defines laminae, bioturbation indicated by clayey siltstone lenses" 199 "51R-1, 119-120" 765.09 TS/AR D R C A 45 C a A c c C a R c R 5 A c c 45 5 C a C Silty claystone "Subangular to angular mineral grains, subrounded rock fragments, silty clay matrix, weakly aligned carbonaceous detritus , bioturbation indicated by clayey siltstone lenses" 200 "52R-3, 61-71" 776.76 TS/AR D R C A 45 C a A c c C a R c R 5 A c c 45 5 C a C Silty claystone "Subangular to angular mineral grains, subrounded rock fragments, silty clay matrix, weakly aligned carbonaceous detritus, bioturbation indicated by clayey siltstone lenses" 201 "53R-6, 42-45" 790.35 TS/AR D R C A 45 C a A c c C a R c R 5 A c c 45 5 C a C Silty claystone "Subangular to angular mineral grains, subrounded rock fragments, silty clay matrix, weakly aligned carbonaceous detritus, bioturbation indicated by clayey siltstone lenses" 202 "54R-1, 94-98" 793.74 TS/AR D R C A 45 C a A c c C a R c R 5 A c c 45 5 R a A Silty claystone "Subangular to angular mineral grains, subrounded rock fragments, silty clay matrix, weakly aligned carbonaceous detritus, bioturbation indicated by clayey siltstone-rich lenses" Note: A = abundant (51%-100%); C = common (11%-50%); R = rare (1%-10%); lower case letters indicate subcategories of the major constituents.