
F1. Correlation of successions in Core 180-1110A-1H with Core 180-1110B-1H.

F2. Nannofossil-rich clay sediment with volcanic glass.

F3. Graded conglomerate and sand.

F4. Basalt clast with laths and phenocrysts.

F5. Coarse-grained sandstone.

F6. Well-sorted medium-grained sandstone.

F7. Recovery log of Sites 1110-1113 with distribution of rock types.

F8. Thin-section view of epidote-mica schist.

F9. Hand specimen and thin-section view of deformed metadolerite.

F10. Foliated epidote-quartz schist cut by fractures.

F11. Pyrite grain with calcite and quartz in mica schist.

F12. High-temperature structures in mica schist and gneiss.

F13. Feldspar porphyry in quartzo-feldspathic matrix.

F14. Metadolerite showing the original ophitic texture, Site 1114.

F15. Cataclastic zone across metadolerite and quartz vein.

F16. Amphibole-plagioclase-rich rock.

F17. Swallowtail of quench plagioclase microlite in basalt.

F18. Plagioclase xenocryst in glassy basalt pebble.

F19. Oscillatory zoning in plagioclase clast in volcaniclastic sandstone.

F20. Planktonic foraminifer and calcareous nannofossil zones.
