1. Correlations between seismic, logging, and core data from ODP Leg 180 at Sites 1109, 1115, and 1118 have been established by creating synthetic seismograms from a combination of downhole and shipboard measurements of density and check shot-corrected velocity data.
  2. The synthetic seismograms successfully reproduce most of the major reflectors in the MCS data, confirming the accuracy of the composite velocity and density data for each site.
  3. The detailed biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy available for each site permit detailed age and paleoenvironmental parameters to be placed on interpreted seismic horizons that are consistent between the three sites.
  4. At Sites 1118 and 1109, where correlations can be made with the least ambiguity, seismic reflectors are time correlative within stratigraphic resolution (~0.1 m.y.) and maintain a similar character between sites. However, the lithology commonly varies.
  5. Using the results presented herein, the dated horizons intersected at Sites 1109, 1115, and 1118 can now be extended regionally using an extensive database of regional seismic reflection data.