Figure F3. Logging and coring results (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999d), check shot-corrected depth conversion, and correlation via synthetic seismogram to MCS data in the vicinity of Site 1118. From left to right, the first panel (Unit) gives the lithologic units defined at Site 1118. The second panel shows the paleoenvironment interpreted from the biostratigraphic results. MB = middle bathyal, UB = upper bathyal, N = neritic, SA = subaerial. Panel three details the age and subsidence history recorded at Site 1118. Stars = correlations with Site 1109 derived from seismic reflection line EW9510-1366 (Fig. F2) in the absence of sampling in the upper part of the hole. Circles = foraminiferal ages, triangles = magnetostratigraphic ages, squares = nannofossil ages, crosses = 40Ar/39Ar ages (Lackschewitz et al., in press). The depth-age relationship (Takahashi et al., this volume) is shown by the black line. Panels four and five detail the integrated velocity and density profiles derived from downhole and shipboard measurements. The three arrows on the left side of the velocity panel indicate the downhole location of the three VSP depths used. Panel six shows the reflection coefficient derived from the composite velocity and density data. The source signal that is convolved with the reflection coefficient to obtain the synthetic seismogram is shown in the top of the panel. Panel seven shows the depth-to-time conversion derived from the check shot-corrected velocity data. Bold black lines are check-shot conversions of depth to time. The synthetic seismogram is shown in panel eight (SYNT). Between panels eight and nine, the points from panel three have been projected from depth to time (and shifted down by 18 ms to account for the lag between the first break and the center of the first peak in the source signal) to enable direct correlation with the synthetic seismogram and the MCS data in panel nine. Seventy-five common midpoints (CMPs) (937.5 m) extending from Site 1118 (at CMP 4547) to the north are displayed. Key reflectors discussed in the text are annotated. LG = Light Green unit, DG = Dark Green unit.