Plate P1. Photomicrographs illustrating sands and sandstones of the Woodlark rift. 1. Poorly sorted feldspathic sandstone with common detrital hornblende and biotite grains (Sample 180-1108B-30R-3, 44-46 cm [276.39 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 2. Poorly sorted calcite cemented lithic sandstone with subrounded to subangular lathwork, microlitic and felsitic volcanic lithic fragments and detrital feldspar grains (Sample 180-1108A-3R-CC, 0-4 cm [14.50 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 3. Well-sorted feldspathic sandstone with common detrital hornblende and biotite grains (Sample 180-1118A-44R-1, 129-130 cm [623.45 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 4. A poorly sorted lithic sandstone containing angular to subrounded microlitic, lathwork, and felsitic volcanic lithic fragments, grains of plagioclase, biotite, clinopyroxene, hornblende, and foraminifer tests (Sample 180-1108B-23R-3, 34-36 cm [369.55 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 5. A medium-grained feldspathic sand containing fresh angular detrital grains of plagioclase (commonly zoned), biotite, hornblende, and foraminifer tests (Sample 180-1115C-10R-1, 5-7 cm [369.55 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 6. Feldspathic sandstone with abundant detrital grains of feldspar, colorless vitric volcanic lithic fragments, biotite, and hornblende in a glass-rich matrix (Sample 180-1109D-3R-2, 148-149 cm [371.68 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light).