Plate P2. Photomicrographs illustrating mineral grains present within the sands and sandstones of Woodlark rift. 1. Limonite/goethite concretion surrounded by chloritized volcanic fragments, detrital feldspar, and clinopyroxene grains. (Sample 180-1109D 44R-1, 6-8 cm [753 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light). 2. Detrital biotite grain with authigenic calcite growths along cleavage planes surrounded by detrital grains of feldspar and colorless vitric, brown vitric, and felsitic volcanic lithic fragments. This was interpreted by previous workers as a calc-schist fragment (Sample 180-1116A-11R-1, 16-19 cm [81.96 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light). 3. Detrital grain of glomeroporhyritic clinopyroxene within a calcite-cemented lithic sandstone. Detrital plagioclase and foraminifer are also present (Sample 180-1118A-66R3, 31-34 cm [833.05 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 4. A discrete zoned plagioclase grain surrounded by detrital grains of feldspar, biotite, amphibole, and felsitic volcanic lithic fragments within a calcite-cemented lithic sandstone (Sample 180-1118A-68R3, 36-39 cm [852.42 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 5. Hornblende and feldspar phyric colorless vitric volcanic lithic fragment displaying an internal trachytic texture (Sample 180-1115C-12R-4, 144-148 cm [394.34 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light). 6. Chalcedony filled vug with calcite rim within a felsitic volcanic lithic fragment (Sample 180-1115C-30R-CC, 16-19 cm [566.89 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light).