Plate P3. Photomicrographs illustrating metamorphic and serpentinite lithic fragments and mineral grains present within the sands and sandstones of Woodlark rift. 1. Remnant angular colorless olivine grains within a detrital serpentinite grain. Surrounding detrital grains include olivine, feldspar, and colorless and brown vitric volcanic lithic fragments (Sample 180-1108B-24X-CC, 18-20 cm [217.8 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light). 2. A detrital serpentinite grain surrounded by detrital grains of feldspar, biotite, and a fragment of feldspar, quartz, biotite schist. (Sample 180-1108B-36R-3, 52-56 cm [333.94 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 3. Metamorphosed volcanic fragments with veins of epidote and chlorite in a feldspathic groundmass. Surrounding detrital grains include feldspar, biotite, prehnite, and magnetite. (Sample 180-1116A-6R-1, 9-11 cm [42.49 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 4. A feldspar, quartz, biotite schist fragment surrounded by detrital grains of amphibole, clinopyroxene, feldspar, and biotite. Brown vitric and microlitic volcanic lithic fragments are also present (Sample 180-1115C-44R-2, 112-113 cm [698.70 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 5. A feldspar, quartz, biotite schist fragment with a remnant feldspar phenocryst. Surrounding detrital grains include amphibole, clinopyroxene, feldspar, and biotite. Microlitic, brown vitric, and colorless vitric volcanic lithic fragments are also present. (Sample 180-1108B-34R-2, 126-128 cm [314.60 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 6. Detrital actinolite grain (center) and muscovite lath (center left). Surrounding detrital grains include amphibole, clinopyroxene, feldspar, and biotite. Felsitic, brown vitric, colorless vitric, and microlitic volcanic lithic fragments are also present (Sample 180-1108B-34R-2, 126-128 cm [314.60 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light).