Plate P4. Photomicrographs illustrating volcanic and plutonic lithic fragments within the sands and sandstones of Woodlark rift. 1. A lathwork volcanic lithic fragment with intersertal glass and intergranular clinopyroxene within a calcite-cemented coarse-grained lithic sandstone (Sample 180-1108 3R-CC, 0-4 cm [14.50 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 2. Lathwork volcanic lithic fragment with intersertal chlorite and magnetite in a matrix of smectite and chlorite. Surrounding detrital grains include magnetite, felsitic, and partially devitrified colorless vitric volcanic lithic fragments (Sample 180-1118A-71R-1, 13-15 cm [878.53 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 3. Lathwork volcanic lithic fragment with intersertal glass surrounded by detrital grains of feldspar, clinopyroxene, and colorless vitric volcanic lithic fragments (Sample 180-1108B-23R-3, 34-36 cm [210.15 mbsf]) (plane-polarized light). 4. Typical lathwork volcanic texture with intergranular clinopyroxene within a dolerite clast from a conglomerate (Sample 180-1109-45R-1, 107-110 cm [764.27 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 5. Feldspar and biotite phyric felsitic volcanic lithic fragment surrounded by other felsitic volcanic lithic fragments, brown vitric, and lathwork volcanic lithic fragments, and detrital feldspar set in a calcite-cemented coarse-grained lithic sandstone (Sample 180-1116A-1R-1, 58-60 cm [0.58 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light). 6. Detrital grain composed of intergrown feldspar, biotite, and hornblende (granitic fragment) surrounded by lathwork and microlitic volcanic lithic and feldspar detrital grains in calcite-cemented coarse-grained lithic sandstone (Sample 180-1108B-3R-CC, 0-4 cm [14.50 mbsf]) (cross-polarized light).