Table T2. Calcareous nannofossil datums used during Leg 181. Age Nannofossil events References (Ma) 0.085 Bottom acme Emiliania huxleyi Berggren et al. (1995a) 0.16 LO Helicosphaera inversa Sato and Kameo (1996) 0.24 FO Emiliania huxleyi Naish et al. (1998) 0.42 LO Pseudoemiliania lacunosa Sato and Kameo (1996) 0.78 Top acme Gephyrocapsa paralella Matsuoka and Okada (1989) 0.85 LO Reticulofenestra asanoi Sato and Kameo (1996) 0.9 Top dominance Gephyrocapsa (small) Young et al. (1994) 0.95 FO Gephyrocapsa paralella Sato and Kameo (1996) 1.14 Bottom dominance Gephyrocapsa (small) Young et al. (1994) 1.16 FO Reticulofenestra asanoi Sato and Kameo (1996) 1.2 LO Gephyrocapsa (large) Sato and Kameo (1996) 1.26 LO Helicosphaera sellii Sato and Kameo (1996) 1.44 FO Gephyrocapsa (large) Sato and Kameo (1996) 1.6 LO Calcidiscus macintyrei Raffi et al. (1993) 1.67 FO Gephyrocapsa (medium) Raffi and Flores (1995) 1.96 LO Discoaster brouweri Raffi and Flores (1995) 2.3 LO Discoaster pentaradiatus Wei (1993) 2.61 LO Discoaster surculus Raffi and Flores (1995) 2.76 LO Discoaster tamalis Raffi and Flores (1995) 3.54 LO Sphenolithus neoabies Spencer-Cervato et al. (1994) 3.82 LO Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus Raffi and Flores (1995) ~3.88 Acme Gephyrocapsa (small) Rio (1992) 4 FO Pseudoemiliania lacunosa Gartner (1990) 4.13 FO Discoaster asymmetricus Shackleton et al. (1995) 5.56 LO Discoaster quinqueramus Raffi and Flores (1995) 7.39 FO Amaurolithus primus Backman and Raffi (1997) 7.73 LO Minylitha convallis Shackleton et al. (1995) 9.34 FO Minylitha convallis Raffi and Flores (1995) 9.64 LO Cantinaster calyculus Backman and Raffi (1997) 10.5 FO Discoaster bellus Gartner (1992) 10.79 FO Cantinaster coalitus Backman and Raffi (1997) 10.94 LO Coccolithus miopelagicus Backman and Raffi (1997) 12.34 FO Calcidiscus macintyrei Raffi and Flores (1995) 12.65 LO Calcidiscus premacintyrei Raffi and Flores (1995) 13.19 LO Cyclicargolithus floridanus Raffi and Flores (1995) 13.52 LO Sphenolithus heteromorphus Backman and Raffi (1997) 16.21 LO acme Discoaster deflandrei Raffi and Flores (1995) 17.4 FO Calcidiscus premacintyrei Backman and Raffi (1997) 17.8 LO Sphenolithus dissimilis Gartner (1992) 18.2 FO Calcidiscus leptoporus Gartner (1992) 18.3 LO Sphenolithus belemnos Berggren et al. (1995b) 18.6 FO Sphenolithus heteromorphus Backman et al. (1990) 19.2 FO Sphenolithus belemnos Berggren et al. (1995b) 19.8 FO Geminilithella rotula Young et al. (1994) 22.3 LO Ilselithina fusa Gartner (1992) 23.2 FO Discoaster druggii Berggren et al. (1995b) 23.6 LO Sphenolithus umbrellus Berggren et al. (1995b) 23.9 LO Dictyococcites bisectus Berggren et al. (1995b) 24.3 LO Sphenolithus delphix Berggren et al. (1995b) 26.1 LO Chiasmolithus altus Berggren et al. (1995b) 27.5 FO Sphenolithus distentus Berggren et al. (1995b) 31.3 LO Reticulofenestra umbilicus Morgans et al. (1996) 32.8 LO Ericsonia formosa Berggren et al. (1995b) 33.3 Acme Clausicoccus subdistichus Berggren et al. (1995b) ~34.6 LO Discoaster saipanensis Berggren et al. (1995b) 35.5 FO Isthmolitus recurvus Morgans et al. (1996) 38 FO Dictyococcites bisectus Berggren et al. (1995b) 58.3 LO Hornibrookina teuriensis Berggren et al. (1995b) 59.7 FO Fasciculites tympaniformis Morgans et al. (1996) 60.6 FO Sphenolithus primus Berggren et al. (1995b) 60.7 FO Chiasmolithus bidens Berggren et al. (1995b) 64.5 FO Cruciplacolithus tenuis Berggren et al. (1995b) 64.9 FO Hornibrookina teuriensis Berggren et al. (1995b) 65 LO Micula spp. Berggren et al. (1995b) "Note: FO = first occurrence, LO = last occurrence."