Table T6. ODP tool strings used and properties measured. Tool string Tool Measurement interval (cm) Sample Approximate vertical resolution (cm) Triple combination HNGS Natural gamma 15 45 APS Porosity 5 and 15 30 HLDS "Bulk density, PEF" 2.5 and 15 15 / 45 DIT-E Resistivity 2.5 and 15 200 / 150 / 75 TEMP Temperature 1 per second FMS-sonic NGS Natural gamma 15 45 SDT-C Orientation 15 - GPIT Sonic velocity 15 120 FMS-4 Microresistivity 0.25 0.5 GHMT NGS Natural gamma 15 45 SUMS Susceptibility 5 and 15 35 NMRS Total field 5 and 15 45 "Note: PEF = photoelectric factor; see ""Downhole Measurements,"" p.xx, for other abbreviations."