SUBJECT INDEX (continued)


Maastrichtian, foraminifers, A8:19
Macquarie Ridge
currents, A1:5
upper Neogene, B1:53
pore water, A3:23; A4:19; A5:20–21; A6:29; A7:39; A8:31; A9:21
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
magnesium/calcium ratio
pore water, A3:23–24
vs. depth, A3:55
magnetic inclination
sediments, A3:19–20; A7:26–27; A9:17
vs. depth, A3:46–47; A5:39–40; A6:62; A7:81, 88; A8:62–65; A9:40–41
magnetic intensity
lithologic units, A1:33
sediments, A9:16–17
vs. depth, A3:46–47; A4:33; A5:39–40; A6:61; A8:61; A9:39
magnetic polarity
age models, A6:66–67; A8:66–67
biostratigraphy, A6:66–67
correlation, A5:44
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25–27
sediments, A9:17
vs. age, A7:82
vs. depth, A9:41
magnetic reversals
Chron 6r, A1:10
lithologic units, A1:14; A1:17
magnetic susceptibility
composite depths, A3:20–21; A4:16–17
sediments, A3:19–20; A4:15–16; A6:21–22; A7:26–27; A9:22
vs. depth, A3:46–47, 50, 52, 60; A4:33, 36–37, 39, 43; A5:39–40, 49; A6:61, 68–69, 71, 79–80; A7:81, 83–85, 87–88, 100–101, 106, 109; A8:61, 68–70, 72–73, 79; A9:42–45, 47, 50
magnetic susceptibility logs, vs. depth, A3:66, 68–69; A7:106, 109; A8:83, 85, 87
age, A7:159; A8:121
age models, A6:66–67; A7:34–36
composite record, A7:73–78
correlation, A5:44
lithologic units, A1:22, 30
magnetic polarity, A7:28–32
sediments, A6:22–23; A8:24–27
Unit I, A5:17
Unit II, A5:17–18
vs. depth, A8:62–65
major elements, sediments, B1:27–28
pore water, B5:1–5
vs. depth, B5:4
manganese, dissolved, boreholes, B1:28; B5:1–5
manganese nodules, lithologic units, A1:19–20
Mangapanian, foraminifers, A7:18; A8:19; A9:12, 14
marine isotope Stage 2, ice-rafted debris, B1:36–37
marine isotope Stage 3
biostratigraphy, B1:19
ice-rafted debris, B1:36–37
marine isotope Stage 3.2, biostratigraphy, B1:19
marine isotope Stage 5
ice-rafted debris, B1:36–37
Subtropical Front, B1:37
marine isotope Stage 7, Subtropical Front, B1:37
marine isotope Stage 8, unconformities, B1:13
marine isotope Stage 9, Subtropical Front, B1:37
marine isotope Stage 22, paleoclimatology, B1:34
marine isotope Stages 1–6, lithologic units, A4:7
marine isotope Stages 1–8, age models, B1:13
marine isotope Stages 1–9, oxygen isotopes, B1:29
marine isotope Stages 2–4, biostratigraphy, B1:19
marine isotope Stages 6–10, oxygen isotopes, B1:29–31
marine isotope Stages 7–6, ice-rafted debris, B1:36–37
marine isotope Stages 8.5–11, sediments, B1:13
marine isotope Stages 27–12, biostratigraphy, B1:23
marine isotope stages, oxygen isotopes, B1:29–31
marine sedimentation
lithologic units, A1:20–23
Oligocene–Holocene, A1:7–9
Marshall Paraconformity
Cenozoic, B1:11, 14, 41–42, 107
Chondrites, B1:107
Eocene–Oligocene biostratigraphy, B1:16
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, B1:42–45
foraminifers, A8:17, 19
lithologic units, A1:29–30; A7:8–9, 11, 14; A8:7, 9–10; B1:15; B3:2–3
magnetostratigraphy, A8:27, 29
nannofossil biostratigraphy, B2:1–22
photograph, A7:67; A8:55; B2:13
Powell Basin, B1:45–47
thermohaline circulation, B1:55–56
mass accumulation rates, bulk
sediments, B1:102,104; B3:11–19
vs. age, B3:9
mass accumulation rates, carbonate, sediments, B1:102, 104
mass accumulation rates, terrigenous, sediments, B1:102, 104; B3:11–19
Matuyama Chron
lithologic units, A1:30
magnetic polarity, A7:28–32; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22; A8:25–27
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:11
See also Brunhes/Matuyama boundary
Messinian, diatom dissolution, A9:15
metagraywacke, erosion, B1:27
lithologic units, A1:33
sediments, A3:24; A4:20; A5:22; A6:30–31; A7:40; A8:33
sulfate reduction, A6:29
vs. depth, A3:56; A6:74; A9:49
methane/ethane ratio, sediments, A3:24
methanogenesis, pore water, A9:19–20
Mi3b cooling phases, paleoclimatology, B1:34
lithologic units, A4:6; A7:10; A8:10
vs. depth, A3:39
well-logs, A7:46
microbial activity, pore water, A3:23–24
micropaleontology, biostratigraphy, B1:59–60
Middle Pleistocene Transition
benthic foraminifers, B1:20–21
oxygen isotopes, B1:34
planktonic foraminifers, B1:23
Milankovitch cycles
lithologic units, A1:24; A9:7–8; B1:47, 56–57
major elements, B1:27–28
volcanism, B1:25–26
biostratigraphy, A4:8–15; A6:13–17
debris flows, A7:11–12
Drake (Powell) Passage opening, B1:46
foraminifers, A7:18–20; A8:17
inorganic geochemistry, B9:1–10
lithologic units, A1:33; A4:6; A7:6–9
Mi3b cooling phases, B1:34
paleoclimatology, B1:5, 48–51
radiolarians, A7:23–24
sand, A1:22
sedimentation, B3:1–21
See also Eocene–Holocene interval; Oligocene–Miocene interval; Oligocene/Miocene boundary
Miocene, lower
Chron 6r, A1:10
inorganic geochemistry, B9:6
lithologic units, A6:9; A8:6–7
major elements, B1:27–28
nannofossils, A7:16
sedimentation, B1:32
Miocene, lower/middle boundary, biostratigraphy, A4:11
Miocene, middle
inorganic geochemistry, B9:6
lithologic units, A6:8–9
major elements, B1:27–28
paleoclimatology, B1:5
Miocene, middle–upper, nannofossils, A7:15–16
Miocene, middle/upper boundary
biostratigraphy, A9:11
nannofossils, A7:15
Miocene, upper
bolboforms and planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy, B1:17, 94
carbonate dissolution, B1:21
foraminifers, A9:13–14
lithologic units, A4:5; A8:6; A9:5–7
Miocene–Holocene interval, clay mineralogy, B1:26–27
Miocene–Pliocene interval, volcanism, B1:23–26
Miocene/Pliocene boundary
nannofossils, A7:15; A8:13
silicoflagellates, A7:22
mixed-layer minerals
sediments, B3:5–6, 20–21
vs. age, B3:10
abundance, A3:96
lithologic units, A3:5–6
paleoenvironment, A3:18
mottling, lithologic units, A5:4–5
petrophysical properties, B1:31
thickness, A6:97–115
mud waves, lithologic units, A1:24
lithologic units, A7:9; A8:7–8
photograph, A7:67; A8:55
tectonics, A1:4
mudstone, brown, Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, A8:39
mudstone, nannofossil-bearing, lithologic units, A8:8–9; A9:5–6
mudstone, zeolitic, lithologic units, A1:29


abundance, A3:88; A4:58; A5:56; A6:116–119; A7:134–137; A8:103–106; A9:78–79; B2:16–19
age vs. depth, A7:71
biostratigraphic datums, A4:57; A8:60; A9:80; B2:12
Cenozoic biostratigraphy, B1:18–19
datums and age, A7:138; A8:107
dissolution, A8:13
Eocene–Oligocene biostratigraphy, B1:16
lithologic units, A1:13, 19–20; A3:8; A4:4–7; A8:8
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51
Pliocene–Pleistocene biostratigraphy, B1:17–18
zonation, B2:4
nannofossils, calcareous
biostratigraphy, A3:11–12; A4:9–10, 13; A5:9–10; A6:13–15; A7:14–17; A8:13–15; A9:10–12; B2:1–22
paleoenvironment, A3:15; A4:13
chalk, B1:57
diatoms, A7:21–22
fragmentation index, B1:96
inorganic geochemistry, B9:1–10
nannofossils, A8:13–14
paleoenvironment, A7:25–26; A8:21–22; A9:15–16
sedimentation, B3:1–21
sedimentation rates, B1:96
silicoflagellates, A7:21–22
standard sections, A1:26
volcanism, A1:27–31
Neogene, upper
sediment sources, B1:51–54
volcanism, B1:23–26
Neothyris, lithologic units, A3:5
neutron porosity logs
correlation, A7:46
vs. density porosity, A9:57
vs. depth, A7:108
New Zealand
dissolved manganese, B5:1–5
evolution, B1:1–111
geologic cross section, A1:43
sedimentation, A1:6–7
See also Eastern New Zealand Oceanic Sedimentary System
New Zealand E
evolution, B1:1–111
geology, B1:4–5
micropaleontology, B1:59–60
oceanic sedimentary record, A1:7–9; A5:8
phytoplankton stratigraphy, B1:18–19
New Zealand midcontinent, plate tectonics, A1:3
New Zealand plate boundary, sedimentation, B1:40
New Zealand Plateau, paleotemperature, B1:41
nickel/aluminum ratio, vs. age, B9:5
nitrogen, total, sediments, A3:107–109; A4:74–75; A5:61; A6:141–143; A7:177–179; A8:133–134
nodules, chert, photograph, A5:34
nodules, ferromanganese
beryllium isotopes, B1:13–14
lithologic units, A1:19–20; A5:4–6
photograph, A5:32
nodules, phosphate, sedimentation, B1:8
North Atlantic Deep Water, currents, A1:5; B1:10
North Island, plate boundaries, A1:4
North Island plate boundary, post-middle Miocene volcanic supply, B1:48
North Pacific Deep Water, currents, A1:4–5
biostratigraphy, A4:10
foraminifers, A7:18; A8:19; A9:12, 14
lithologic units, A1:14
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:13–14
Nunivak Subchron, magnetic polarity, A7:28


lithologic units, B1:47
paleoclimatology, B1:33–34
time series, B1:103
ocean circulation
Marshall Paraconformity, B1:55–56
paleoceanography, A1:3
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51
Subtropical Front, B1:38
See also thermohaline circulation
ocean fronts
currents, A1:41, 45; B1:1–111
intermediate water, B1:57
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51, 106
See also Subtropical Front
Olduvai Normal Event, nannofossils, A7:15
Olduvai Subchron
magnetic polarity, A7:28; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22–23; A8:25
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:12
Drake (Powell) Passage opening, B1:46
erosion, B1:56
foraminifers, A8:17–18
lithologic units, A7:9
Marshall Paraconformity, B1:41–42
nannofossil biostratigraphy, B2:1–22
paleoclimatology, B1:5, 48–51
paleoenvironment, A8:22–23
paleoceanography, A1:1–80
sediment drift, B1:56–57
sediments, B3:1–21
See also Eocene–Holocene interval; Eocene–Oligocene interval; Eocene/Oligocene boundary; Oligocene–Miocene interval
Oligocene, lower
inorganic geochemistry, B9:6
lithologic units, A8:7
major elements, B1:27–28
nannofossils, A7:16–17; B2:1–22
Oligocene, middle, lithologic units, A1:24
Oligocene, upper
drift deposits, B1:45
foraminifers, A8:17
lithologic units, A8:7
paleoenvironment, A8:21–22
Oligocene–Miocene interval, paleoceanography, A1:1–80
Oligocene/Miocene boundary, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Omataroa Tephra, stratigraphy, A7:13
burial curve, A7:92
lithologic units, A1:21–23, 29; A4:5–7
tectonics, A1:4
upper Neogene, B1:51–54
ooze, calcareous biogenic, lithologic units, A1:16–18
ooze, clay-bearing nannofossil, lithologic units, A8:5–6
ooze, clayey nannofossil, lithologic units, A7:5–7; A9:4–6; B3:2–3
ooze, diatomaceous, lithologic units, A5:5–6
ooze, foraminifer nannofossil, lithologic units, A4:4–5
ooze, nannofossil, lithologic units, A1:17–18, 21–23; A4:6; A5:5–6; A7:5–7; A8:5–6; A9:5–6
ooze, nannofossil foraminifer, lithologic units, A4:4–5
opal, biogenic
sediments, B1:29; B6:1–12
vs. depth, B6:6–7
foraminifers, A8:16, 19; A9:12, 14
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:13
organic matter
degradation, A3:23–24; A5:20
oxidation, A8:32
pyrolysis, A7:180
sources, A3:25; A6:31; A7:41; A8:33
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
Oruanui eruption, volcanism, B1:25–26
Otaian, foraminifers, A7:21; A8:17
Otakou Group, Miocene–Holocene interval, A1:7, 11
overburden pressure. See shear strength/overburden pressure ratio
oxidation, organic matter, A8:32
oxygen index
organic matter, A7:41
vs. hydrogen index, A7:98
oxygen isotopes
benthic foraminifers, B1:35; B10:1–20
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, B1:42–45
marine isotope stages, B1:29–31, 105
middle Pleistocene transition, B1:34
vs. age, B9:5
vs. depth, B1:101; B10:5–6
oxygen minimum zone
benthic foraminifers, B1:21
foraminifers, B1:21


Pacific Deep Western Boundary Current, paleoceanography, A7:1–184
Pacific Ocean SW
biogenic opal, B6:1–12
carbonates, B4:1–50
dissolved manganese, B5:1–5
evolution, B1:1–111
paleoceanography, A1:1–80
sea-surface height, B1:83
stable isotopes, B10:1–20
sulfate reduction, B1:28; B7:1–15
Pacific Plate, plate boundaries, A1:4
Palaeophycus, lithologic units, A1:16; A4:6; A5:5; A7:8, 11; A8:5, 8–9
benthic foraminifers, B1:20–21
carbonates, B1:36
Cenozoic, B1:6–7
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, B1:42–45
ice-rafted debris, B1:36–37
lithologic units, A5:6–8
marine isotope stages, B1:29–31
Miocene–Oligocene, A1:1–80
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51
paleoenvironment, A5:13
Pliocene–Quaternary interval, B1:22–23
seismic evidence, A6:26–27
Subtropical Front, B1:37–38
benthic foraminifers, A8:111
biostratigraphy, A5:8–15
carbonates, B1:27
foraminifers, A5:57; A8:18
lithologic units, A5:5–6
paleoclimatology, B1:5
paleoenvironment, A8:23
radiolarian biostratigraphy, B1:15–16
Paleocene, lower, lithologic units, A8:8
Paleocene/Eocene boundary, marine isotope stages, B1:30
Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum, benthic foraminifers, B1:19–20, 105
paleocirculation, Pliocene–Quaternary interval, B1:22–23
Cenozoic, B1:5, 105
ocean circulation, B1:48–51
Pliocene sea-surface temperature, B1:21–22
Pliocene–Pleistocene palynomorphs, B1:22
summary diagram, B1:85
volcanism, B1:25–26
paleodepth, age models, A7:36–37
biostratigraphy, A3:15–18; A4:13–15; A5:13–15; A6:17–20; A7:25–26
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23–24
Neogene, A9:15–16
paleoceanography, A5:13
paleoflow, currents, A1:6–7
biostratigraphy, A8:59
carbonate content, B8:1–5
foraminifers, A7:20
nannofossils, A8:14–15
paleoenvironment, A7:25–26
radiolarians, A7:24–25
tectonics, A1:4
See also Cretaceous–Paleogene interval
paleogeography, Pacific Ocean SW, A1:1–80
Site 1119, A3:18–20
Site 1120, A4:15–16
Site 1121, A5:15–18
Site 1122, A6:20–24
Site 1123, A7:26–32; B1:91
Site 1124, A8:23–27
Site 1125, A9:16–17
age models, A9:18–19
biogenic opal, B6:2–3
diatoms, A4:8
paleoenvironment, A7:26
Pliocene–Pleistocene interval, B1:22, 97
vs. age, B1:97
Cenozoic, B1:11
Chondrites, B1:107
Eocene–Oligocene biostratigraphy, B1:16
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, B1:42–45
lithologic units, A1:17–18, 29; A7:7–9, 14
marine isotope stages, B1:30
nannofossils, A7:16
Oligocene, B1:41–42
passive margins, tectonics, A1:4
pebbles, lithologic units, A4:6
pelagic deposits
age models, A9:18–19
lithologic units, A6:8–9
pelagic drapes, lithologic units, A4:6–7
pelagite, lithologic units, A1:24
peneplanation, Oligocene, A1:3
pore water, A4:18; A5:19; A6:28; A7:37; A8:30; A9:19
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
phillipsite, vs. depth, A5:38
lithologic units, A1:14
pore water, A3:22; A4:19; A5:20; A6:29; A7:38; A8:31; A9:20
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
See also nodules, phosphate
phosphorus/aluminum ratio
Pleistocene, B1:28
vs. age, B1:28; B9:5
photoelectric effect logs, vs. depth, A3:66; A7:106, 111; A8:83
physical properties
Site 1119, A3:25–27
Site 1120, A4:21–22
Site 1121, A5:22–24
Site 1122, A6:32–33
Site 1123, A7:41–43
Site 1124, A8:34–35
Site 1125, A9:22; B1:31
phytoplankton, biostratigraphy, B1:18–19
plagiacanthids, Paleocene biostratigraphy, B1:15–16
plagioclase, vs. depth, A3:39
planar laminations, photograph, A6:49–51
plankton, biochronostratigraphy, A8:58
lithologic units, A1:13, 16; A3:7; A4:5–6; A5:5–6; A6:7–9, 12; A7:5–11; A8:5–9; A9:5–7
photograph, A6:55
plate boundaries
erosion, B1:27
late Eocene, A1:3
volcanism, B1:59
plate tectonics
deposition, A9:8–9
New Zealand E, A1:3–4
Southern Hemisphere, A1:42
barium/aluminum ratio, B1:27; B9:5
biostratigraphy, A4:8–15; A5:8–15; A6:13–17
lithologic units, A1:19–20; A5:4–5; A6:6–7; A7:5–6; A8:4–6; A9:4–6
major elements, B1:27–28
nannofossils, A7:14–15
phosphorus/aluminum ratio, B1:28
radiolarians, A7:22–23
sedimentation, B3:1–21
stable isotopes, B10:1–20
turbidite, A1:22
See also Last Glacial Maximum; Middle Pleistocene Transition; Pliocene–Pleistocene interval; Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary
Pleistocene, lower
lithologic units, A3:8; A4:5
tephra, A8:52
Pleistocene, lower–middle, lithologic units, A3:6–8
Pleistocene, middle–upper, lithologic units, A3:5–7
Pleistocene, upper
foraminifers, A1:26
inorganic geochemistry, B9:6, 9
lithologic units, A4:4–5; A6:5–6
biostratigraphy, A5:8–15; A6:13–17
foraminifers, A7:18; A8:16; A9:12–13
lithologic units, A1:19–20; A3:8; A5:4–5; A6:7–8; A7:5–7; A8:10–11; A9:4–6
nannofossils, A7:14–15
paleoclimatology, B1:5, 48–51
radiolarians, A7:22–23
sedimentation, B3:1–21
See also Eocene–Holocene interval; Miocene–Holocene interval; Miocene/Pliocene boundary
Pliocene, middle, age models, A7:35
Pliocene, middle–upper, foraminiferal censuses and sea-surface temperatures, B1:21–22
Pliocene, upper
foraminifers, A8:16; A9:12
paleoclimatology, B1:33
stable isotopes, B10:1–20
Pliocene–Pleistocene interval
nannofossil biostratigraphy, B1:17–18
palynomorphs, B1:22
sea-level changes, B1:9
tephra layers, A8:54
Pliocene–Quaternary interval
paleoceanography, B1:22–23
paleocirculation, B1:22–23
Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:12
nannofossils, A7:15
pore water
geochemistry, A1:18, 20, 23, 30; A3:21–24, 106; A4:18–20, 73; A5:19–21, 60; A6:27–30, 140; A7:37–40, 176; A8:30–32, 132; A9:19–21, 92; B1:38
manganese, B5:1–5
sulfate reduction, B1:28; B7:1–15
core–log correlation, A7:46
sedimentation rates, A6:26
vs. depth, A3:59; A4:42; A5:48; A6:77–78; A7:99; A8:78
See also density porosity; void ratio
porosity logs
vs. depth, A3:65; A7:105, 108, 111; A8:82; A9:53
See also neutron porosity logs
pore water, A3:23; A4:19–20; A5:21; A6:30; A7:39; A8:32; A9:21
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
potassium feldspar, vs. depth, A3:39
potassium/aluminum ratio
sediments, B9:2
vs. age, B9:5
potassium logs, vs. depth, A7:110; A9:55
Powell Basin
opening, B1:45–47
See also Drake (Powell) Passage
pre-Bounty Fan, sedimentation, B1:33
precipitation, carbonates, A8:32
preservation, radiolarians, A7:39
currents, A9:1–92
Oligocene, B1:41–42
provenance, diatoms, A6:60
Pukaki Rise, lithologic units, A1:15–18
pumice, lithologic units, A4:6
Pumpkin Rock Ignimbrite, volcanism, B1:24
Puriri Formation, radiolarians, A8:21
lithologic units, A4:4–5; A7:7–9; A9:5–6
sulfate reduction, B1:28
lithologic units, A6:7, 11
photograph, A6:54; A7:61
pyrolysis, organic matter, A7:180
pyrrhotite, remanent magnetization, A5:16


quartz, vs. depth, A3:39
quartz/feldspar ratio, lithologic units, A9:4–6
biostratigraphy, A6:13–17
foraminifers, A7:17–18; A8:16; A9:12
glacial/interglacial cycles, B1:58
inorganic geochemistry, B9:1–10
lithologic units, A1:33; A8:10–11
volcanism, B1:23–26
See also Eocene–Holocene interval; Miocene–Holocene interval; Pliocene–Quaternary interval


abundance, A3:94–95; A4:62–65; A5:59; A6:128–130; A7:95, 150–157; A8:117–120; B1:93
age ranges, B1:93
age vs. depth, A7:72
biostratigraphy, A3:14–15; A4:12–15; A5:12–15; A6:17; A7:22–25; A8:20–21; A9:15
datums, A7:158
lithologic units, A5:5–6; A9:4–6
Paleocene biostratigraphy, B1:15–16
paleoenvironment, A4:14–15; A5:14–15; A6:20
preservation, A7:39, 95
recrystallization, carbonates, A5:21; A7:38; A8:31
reduction, lithologic units, A9:8
carbonate proxy, B1:29; B4:1–50
composite depths, A4:17
lithologic units, A1:17–18
range, B4:10
vs. age, A7:83–85, 89
vs. carbonate content, A4:29; A7:60; A8:49
vs. depth, A4:36–37, 39; A6:68–69, 71; A7:87; A8:50, 68–70, 72–73; A9:34, 42–45, 47
reflectance/carbonate content ratio, lithologic units, A9:8
Rekohu Drift
lithologic units, A1:27–31
sedimentation, B1:35–36
site description, A8:1–137
upper Neogene, B1:53
remanent magnetization, Eocene/Oligocene boundary, A7:27
remanent magnetization, isothermal
discrete samples, A3:49; A4:35; A5:42; A6:64; A7:79
rock magnetics, A7:27
rock magnetism, A6:21–22
sediments, A4:15–16; A5:15–17
remanent magnetization, natural, sediments, A3:18–20; A4:15–16; A5:15; A6:21–22; A7:26–27; A8:23–24; A9:16–17
remanent magnetization, saturation isothermal
demagnetization, A5:43
rock magnetism, A6:21–22
sediments, A3:19–20; A4:16; A5:15–17; A7:27
vs. temperature, A4:34
remineralization, carbonates, A3:23–24
resistivity logs
correlation, A7:46
vs. depth, A7:105, 111; A8:82, 87; A9:53
See also shallow resistivity logs
Reunion Subchron, magnetostratigraphy, A6:22–23; A8:25
rhyolites, volcanism, B1:23–26
rift valleys, Late Cretaceous, A1:3
rifting, Late Cretaceous, B1:4–5, 38–40
ripple marks, lithologic units, A6:7
rock magnetics
remanent magnetization, A6:21–22
sediments, A7:27
Unit I, A5:15–16
Unit II, A5:16–17
Runangan, foraminifers, A7:20–21; A8:18


pore water, A4:18; A5:19; A6:28; A7:37; A8:30; A9:19
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
salt, glaciation, B1:38
lithologic units, A1:21–23; A3:7–8; A6:6–9
photograph, A5:31; A6:47
thickness, A6:97–115
thickness vs. depth, A6:53
sand, ferromanganese, photograph, A5:32
sand, fine, thickness, A6:97–115
sand, foraminifer
lithologic units, A6:9
photograph, A6:51
sand, silty
lithologic units, A1:11–14; A3:5–8
photograph, A3:42
sand/silt ratio, thickness, A6:97–115
sea-level changes
biostratigraphy, A3:15–18
Pliocene–Pleistocene interval, B1:9
sea-surface height, Pacific Ocean SW, B1:83
Sealandian, foraminifers, A8:18
sediment aprons, Cretaceous–Paleogene interval, B1:55
sediment sources, upper Neogene, B1:51–54
sediment starvation, sea-floor spreading, B1:4–5
sediment supply
glacial/interglacial cycles, B1:54–55
lithologic units, A3:9–11
submarine channels, B1:58–59
currents, A1:6–7
cyclic processes, A9:18–19
history, B1:32–38
lithologic units, A3:9–11; A5:6–8
Neogene, B3:1–21
Oligocene–Holocene, A1:7–9; B1:7–9
unconformities, B1:14
sedimentation rates
age models, A3:21; A4:17–18, 72; A5:6–7, 18–19; A6:25–27; A7:34–37; A8:28–29; A9:18–19; B1:14, 15, 96; B2:6; B3:4
biostratigraphic datums, A4:17–18
biostratigraphy, A3:15–18, 21
Brunhes/Matuyama boundary, A7:10
compaction and restoration, A6:139
lithologic units, A1:19–20, 33
magnetostratigraphy, A8:29
marine sedimentation, A1:10
Neogene, A7:91
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51
porosity, A6:26
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
summary, A1:48
turbidite, A1:22
uniformity, A7:36–37
biogenic opal, B1:29; B6:1–12
carbonate content, B8:1–5
composition, B3:2–3
dissolved manganese, B5:1–5
inorganic geochemistry, B9:1–10
major elements, B1:27–28
seismic profiles
Site 1119, A3:33–34
Site 1120, A4:26
Site 1121, A5:28
Site 1122, A6:39–41
Site 1123, A7:53–54
Site 1124, A8:43–44
Site 1125, A9:29
seismic reflectors
depth, A3:86
seismic units, A8:88
summary, A6:83
seismic units
reflectors, A8:88
summary, A6:83; A7:112
shallow environment, pore water, A3:23–24
shallow resistivity logs, vs. depth, A3:65; A7:105, 111; A8:82, 87; A9:53
shallow water, currents, A1:5–6
shear strength
sediments, A3:26; A4:21–22; A5:23; A6:32–33; A7:43
vs. depth, A3:62; A4:45; A5:51; A6:82; A7:103
shear strength/overburden pressure ratio, vs. depth, A5:51; A6:82
shelf edge deposits, lithologic units, A3:9–11
shells, lithologic units, A3:6–8
Sidufjall Subchron, magnetic polarity, A7:28
diagenesis, A3:23–24; A4:14; A5:14; A6:20
pore water, A3:22; A4:19; A5:20; A6:30; A7:38–39; A8:31; A9:20–21
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–95; A8:75; A9:49
abundance, A7:142–149; A8:112–115
biostratigraphy, A7:21–22; A8:20; A9:14–15
lithologic units, A5:5–6
silicon/aluminum ratio
sediments, B9:2
vs. age, B1:28; B9:5
lithologic units, A1:21–23; A6:6–9
photograph, A3:43
thickness vs. depth, A6:53
See also sand/silt ratio
silt, quartzofeldspathic, lithologic units, A3:5–6; A4:4–5; A8:8
siltstone, lithologic units, A1:21–23; A6:9
Site 593, paleoceanography, B1:6–7
Site 594
age vs. depth, B1:108
clay mineralogy, B1:27, 100
paleoceanography, B1:6–7
Pliocene–Pleistocene nannofossil biostratigraphy, B1:17–18
Site 849, carbon isotopes, B10:6
Site 1119, A3:1–112
age models and sedimentation rates, A3:21; B1:13
background and objectives, A3:1–3
biostratigraphy, A3:11–18
composite depths, A3:20–21
coring summary, A1:69–70; A3:72–85
dissolved manganese, B1:28; B5:1–5
downhole measurements, A3:27–29
glacial/interglacial cycles, B1:58
inorganic geochemistry, A3:21–24
intermediate water, B1:57
lithologic units, A1:11–14
lithostratigraphy, A3:4–11
operations, A3:3–4
organic geochemistry, A3:24–25
paleoclimatology, B1:89
paleomagnetism, A3:18–20
physical properties, A3:25–27
reflectance, B4:1–50
site description, A3:1–112
stable isotopes, B1:29–31
Subtropical Front, B1:37–38
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
summary, A1:11–14
summary log, A1:49–51
Site 1120, A4:1–77
age models and sedimentation rates, A4:17–18
background and objectives, A4:1–2
biostratigraphy, A4:7–15
composite depths, A4:16–17
coring summary, A1:71; A4:47–53
inorganic geochemistry, A4:18–20
lithologic units, A1:15–18
lithostratigraphy, A4:3–7
Neogene chalk, B1:57
operations, A4:2–3
organic geochemistry, A4:20–21
paleomagnetism, A4:15–16
physical properties, A4:21–22
reflectance, B4:1–50
site description, A4:1–77
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
summary, A1:15–18
summary log, A1:52–53
Site 1121, A5:1–62
age models and sedimentation rates, A5:18–19; B1:13–14
background and objectives, A5:1–2
biostratigraphy, A5:8–15
carbonate content, B8:1–5
carbonates, B1:27
coring summary, A1:72; A5:53–55
Cretaceous–Paleogene sediment apron, B1:55
inorganic geochemistry, A5:19–21
lithologic units, A1:18–20
lithostratigraphy, A5:3–8
Oligocene erosion, B1:56
operations, A5:2–3
organic geochemistry, A5:22
Paleocene radiolarian biostratigraphy, B1:15–16
paleomagnetism, A5:15–18
physical properties, A5:22–24
reflectance, B4:1–50
sedimentation, B1:32
site description, A5:1–62
stable isotopes, B1:29–31
stratigraphy, B1:90
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
summary, A1:18–20
summary log, A1:54
thermohaline circulation, B1:55–56
Site 1122, A6:1–146
age models and sedimentation rates, A6:25–27; B1:14
background and objectives, A6:1–2
biostratigraphy, A6:13–20
composite depths, A6:24–25
coring summary, A1:73–74; A6:84–96
dissolved manganese, B1:28; B5:1–5
downhole measurements, A6:33–34
inorganic geochemistry, A6:27–30
lithologic units, A1:20–23
lithostratigraphy, A6:4–12
operations, A6:3–4
organic geochemistry, A6:30–31
paleomagnetism, A6:20–24
physical properties, A6:32–33
reflectance, B4:1–50
sedimentation, B1:33
site description, A6:1–146
submarine channel sediment supply, B1:58–59
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
summary, A1:20–23
summary log, A1:55–58
Site 1123, A7:1–184
age models and sedimentation rates, A7:34–37; B1:14–15, 92
background and objectives, A7:1–2
biogenic opal, B6:1–12
biostratigraphy, A7:13–26; B1:91; B2:1–22
clay mineralogy, B1:26–27, 100
composite depths, A7:32–34
coring summary, A1:75–76; A7:113–132
Cretaceous–Paleogene sediment apron, B1:55
dissolved manganese, B1:28; B5:1–5
downhole measurements, A7:43–46
Eocene–Oligocene nannofossil biostratigraphy, B1:16
foraminifers, B1:96, 98
glacial/interglacial cycles, B1:58
inorganic geochemistry, A7:37–40; B9:1–10
lithologic units, A1:23–27
lithostratigraphy, A7:4–13
major elements, B1:27–28
mass accumulation rates, B1:102
obliquity, B1:103
Oligocene erosion, B1:56
Oligocene sediment drift, B1:56–57
operations, A7:2–4
organic geochemistry, A7:40–41
paleomagnetism, A7:26–32; B1:91
palynomorphs, B1:97
physical properties, A7:41–43
plate boundary volcanism, B1:59
Pliocene–Pleistocene palynomorphs, B1:22
Pliocene–Quaternary paleocirculation, B1:22–23
pore water, B1:38
reflectance, B4:1–50
sedimentation, B1:33–35; B3:1–21
site description, A7:1–184
stable isotopes, B1:29–31; B10:1–20
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
summary, A1:23–27
summary log, A1:59–62; A7:55–59
tephra, B1:99
thermohaline circulation, B1:55–56
upper Miocene bolboforms and planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy, B1:17
Site 1124, A8:1–137
age models and sedimentation rates, A8:28–29
background and objectives, A8:1–2
biogenic opal, B6:1–12
biostratigraphy, A8:12–23; B2:1–22
composite depths, A8:27–28
coring summary, A1:77–78; A8:89–102
Cretaceous–Paleogene sediment apron, B1:55
downhole measurements, A8:36–39
drift deposits, B1:45
Eocene–Oligocene nannofossil biostratigraphy, B1:16
foraminifers, B1:96
inorganic geochemistry, A8:30–32
lithologic units, A1:27–31
lithostratigraphy, A8:3–11, 45–48
obliquity, B1:103
Oligocene erosion, B1:56
Oligocene sediment drift, B1:56–57
operations, A8:2–3
organic geochemistry, A8:33
paleomagnetism, A8:23–27
physical properties, A8:34–35
plate boundary volcanism, B1:59
reflectance, B4:1–50
sedimentation, B1:35–36, 104
site description, A8:1–137
submarine channel sediment supply, B1:58–59
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
summary, A1:27–31
summary log, A1:63–65
tephra, B1:99
thermohaline circulation, B1:55–56
Site 1125, A9:1–92
age models and sedimentation rates, A9:18–19
background and objectives, A9:1–2
biogenic opal, B6:1–12
biostratigraphy, A9:9–16
composite depths, A9:17–18
coring summary, A1:79–80; A9:61–76
dissolved manganese, B1:28; B5:1–5
downhole measurements, A9:22–25
glacial/interglacial cycles, B1:58
inorganic geochemistry, A9:19–21
intermediate water, B1:57
lithologic units, A1:31–33
lithostratigraphy, A9:3–9
middle–late Pliocene foraminiferal censuses, B1:21–22
operations, A9:2–3
paleomagnetism, A9:16–17
physical properties, A9:22; B1:31
plate boundary volcanism, B1:59
Pliocene–Pleistocene nannofossil biostratigraphy, B1:17–18
reflectance, B4:1–50
site description, A9:1–92
summary, A1:31–33
summary log, A1:66–68
Skolithos, lithologic units, A5:5; A7:8–9, 11; A8:5–6, 9; A9:5–7
slope deposits, lithologic units, A3:9–11
sediments, B1:26–27; B3:5–6, 20–21
vs. age, B3:10
vs. depth, B1:100
pore water, A3:23; A4:18; A5:21; A6:28; A7:40; A8:30; A9:19, 21
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
soft sediment deformation, lithologic units, A4:4–5
Solander Channel system
currents, A1:7; A4:6; B1:9
late Neogene sediment sources, B1:51–54
Solander Trough, marine sedimentation, A1:8
sonic traveltime logs, vs. depth, A3:66; A7:106, 111; A8:83
South America, plate tectonics, A1:3
South American–Antarctic deep-water flow gateway, paleoceanography, A1:3
South Island (New Zealand)
geologic cross section, A1:43
tectonics, A1:3
South Island (New Zealand) plate boundary, uplifts, B1:27
Southern Component Bottom Water, currents, B1:11
Southern Component Intermediate Water, currents, B1:11
Southern Component Water, currents, B1:11
Southland Current, lithologic units, A3:9; B1:10
Southwest Pacific abyssal plain, geologic cross section, A1:43
splice tie points, composite section, A3:105; A4:70; A6:138; A7:171; A8:129; A9:90
sponge spicules, lithologic units, A5:5–6
stable isotopes, benthic foraminifers, B10:1–20
Stewart Island, lithologic units, A1:15–18
Stilostomella extinction, Cenozoic, B1:20–21, 95
marine sedimentation, A1:10
summary, A1:46; B1:88, 105
tephra, A7:13
pore water, A3:23; A4:19; A5:21; A6:29–30; A7:39; A8:31
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75
strontium/calcium ratio, vs. depth, A3:55
stylolites, photograph, A7:68
Subantarctic Front
currents, A1:6, 9
paleoceanography, B1:6–7, 51
Subantarctic surface water, Subtropical Front, B1:37–38
submarine channels, sediment supply, B1:58–59
subsidence, crust, A5:37; A6:72
subsidence, thermal, post-Gondwana, B1:4–5
Subtropical Convergence
currents, A1:6, 9; A9:1–92; B1:10
foraminifers, A8:16
paleoenvironment, A7:25–26
subtropical environment, paleoenvironment, A7:26
Subtropical Front, position changes, B1:37–38
subtropical water, Subtropical Front, B1:37–38
pore water, A3:22; A4:19; A5:20; A6:28–29; A7:37–38; A8:30–31; A9:19; B7:13–14
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49; B5:4; B7:9
sulfate reduction
lithologic units, A1:33
pore water, A3:23–24; A4:19; A6:29; A7:38; A8:30–31; A9:21; B1:28; B7:1–15
sulfur isotopes
sulfate, B7:13–14
sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
vs. depth, B7:9
sulfur, reduced inorganic, squeeze cake samples, B7:15
sulfur, total
sediments, A3:107–109; A4:74–75; A5:61; A6:141–143; A7:177–179; A8:133–134
vs. depth, B7:12
surface water. See Subantarctic surface water
Surveyor Channel, upper Neogene, B1:53


Taniella, lithologic units, A3:7
Tasmanian Gateway
Cenozoic, B1:11
opening, B1:40–41
Tasmanian Gateway S, paleoceanography, A1:3
Taupo eruption, volcanism, B1:25–26
Taupo Volcanic Zone
Quaternary volcanism, B1:23–26
sedimentation rates, A7:37
upper Neogene, B1:54
Tawera spissa, lithologic units, A3:5–6
tectonics, paleoceanography, A1:3
lithologic units, A6:12; A7:8–11; A8:6, 9; A9:6–7
photograph, A6:51, 55; A7:61
Adara temperature tool, A4:46
records, A8:80
vs. depth, A3:71; A9:51, 58
temperature, downhole, sediments, A3:29
temperature, sea-surface, foraminiferal censuses, B1:21–22
lithologic units, A1:22, 24, 32; A6:6–7; A7:7–9; A8:5–6; A9:5–7, 77; B1:99; B3:2–3
magnetostratigraphy, A8:27
photograph, A6:48; A7:63; A8:53
position and thickness, A7:133
volcanism, A7:12–13; B1:24–25
vs. depth, A7:62; A9:36
well-logging, A9:60
tephra, rhyolitic, distribution, A8:52
tephra layers, Pliocene–Pleistocene distribution, A8:54
tephrochronology, volcanism, B1:24
Terebellina, lithologic units, A3:5; A4:6; A6:7, 9, 12; A7:5–8, 10–11
terrigenous sedimentation, sea-floor spreading, B1:4–5
Tertiary. See Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
Teurian, foraminifers, A8:18, 20
lithologic units, A1:13; A3:5–7; A5:5; A6:7–8, 12; A7:5–8, 10–11; A8:5–6; A9:5, 7
Oligocene, B1:41
photograph, A3:41; A5:30; A7:63
thermal conductivity
sediments, A3:26–27; A4:22; A5:24; A8:35; A9:22
vs. depth, A3:63; A5:52
thermohaline circulation
Marshall Paraconformity, B1:55–56
paleoceanography, A1:3; B1:11–12
thickness, stratigraphy, A1:47
thorium logs
correlation, A7:46
vs. depth, A7:110; A9:55
Thvera Subchron, magnetic polarity, A7:28
titanium/aluminum ratio
sediments, B9:2
vs. age, B9:5
biostratigraphy, A4:11
foraminifers, A7:20; A8:17, 19; A9:13–14
lithologic units, A1:33
trace fossils
lithologic units, A3:5–8; A6:12; A7:10–11
vs. depth, A9:35
transform faults, late Eocene, A1:3–4
transgression, Oligocene, A1:3
transgression, marine, sea-floor spreading, B1:4–5
lithologic units, A1:21–23; A3:7–8; A5:4–5; A6:4–12; A8:11
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23–24
photograph, A3:40, 44; A6:46–47, 54
sulfate reduction, B7:4
thickness vs. depth, A6:53
turbidite, mud, thickness, A6:97–115


foraminifers, A8:17, 19–20
lithologic units, A1:17–18; A4:5; A6:8
magnetostratigraphy, A8:27
marine isotope Stage 8, B1:13
sedimentation, B1:14
stratigraphy, A1:47
See also disconformities; hiatuses; Marshall Paraconformity; paraconformities
uplifts, clay mineralogy, B1:27
upwelling, lithologic units, A8:11
uranium logs
correlation, A7:46
vs. depth, A7:110; A9:55


Valerie Passage, currents, A1:5; B1:15
velocity logs, vs. depth, A3:66; A7:106, 111; A8:83
void ratio, vs. depth, A3:59; A4:42; A5:48; A6:77–78; A7:99; A8:78
volcanic ash
post-middle Miocene supply, B1:48
sedimentation, B1:8–9, 99
volcanism, B1:24–26
evolution, A1:41, 45; B1:1–111
late Neogene, B1:23–26
plate boundaries, B1:59
tephra, A7:12–13
tephrochronology, B1:24, 105
volcanism, calc-alkaline, post-middle Miocene supply, B1:48


biostratigraphy, A6:16
foraminifers, A7:19
Waimihia eruption, volcanism, B1:25–26
Waipawa Black Shale, tectonics, A1:4
Waipipian, foraminifers, A8:16, 19; A9:12, 14
Waitakian, foraminifers, A8:17, 19
Waitemata Basin, post-middle Miocene volcanic supply, B1:48
water content, dry, vs. depth, A3:59; A4:42; A5:48; A6:77–78; A7:99; A8:78
water content, wet, vs. depth, A3:59; A4:42; A5:48; A6:77–78; A7:99; A8:78
water flow
paleoceanography, B1:11–12
paleoclimatology, B1:34
water masses
currents, A1:41, 45; B1:1–111
glaciation, B1:21
ocean fronts, B1:86–87, 110
well-log units
core–log correlation, A7:45–46
correlation, A8:37–38
sediments, A9:24–25, 53
Site 1119, A3:28–29
Unit 1, A3:28; A9:24
Unit 1A, A8:38
Unit 1B, A8:38
Unit 2, A3:28; A9:24
Unit 2A, A8:38
Unit 2B, A8:38
Unit 3, A3:29; A9:24
Unit 3A, A8:38
Unit 4, A3:29; A8:38; A9:24–25
Unit 5, A8:39
core–log correlation, A7:44–45; A8:36–37
operations, A3:64; A7:104; A8:81
sediments, A3:27–29
summary, A3:36–38; A4:27–28; A5:29; A6:42–45; A9:30–33, 52
tephra, A9:60
See also core–log correlation
Whaingaroan, foraminifers, A7:20–21; A8:17, 19
Whangai Shale, tectonics, A1:4
Wheuakite Rhyolite, volcanism, B1:24
wind transport, lithologic units, A4:7
wood fragments, lithologic units, A6:9


lithologic units, A8:8
vs. depth, A4:32
See also clinoptilolite; phillipsite
zeolites, authigenic, vs. depth, A5:38
zonation, nannofossils, B2:4
lithologic units, A1:13, 16; A4:5–6; A6:7–9, 12; A7:5–11; A8:5–9; A9:5–7
photograph, A6:55; A7:64; A8:57
vs. depth, A8:51
Zoophycos ichnofacies
lithologic units, A6:12; A9:6–8
photograph, A8:57
Zygochlamys delicatula
lithologic units, A3:5–6
photograph, A3:41