Figure F6. Summary stratigraphic data for all available southwest Pacific and nearby Southern Ocean drill sites, DSDP Legs 29 and 90 and ODP Legs 181 and 189 (after Kennett, Houtz, et al., 1975; Kennett, von der Borch, et al., 1986; Carter, R., McCave, Richter, Carter, L., et al., 1999; Exon, Kennett, Malone, et al., 2001). Arranged in order from southwest (left) to northeast (right). Note that three different interpretations of the Eocene-Oligocene stratigraphy for Leg 189 sites have been published by Exon, Kennett, Malone, et al. (2001), Exon et al. (2002), and Pfuhl and McCave (2003). We follow mainly the last of these references, except that in addition to the early Oligocene breaks inferred by Pfuhl and McCave we recognize the presence of the Marshall Paraconformity at Site 1168 also. Our reasons for this are (1) the major facies change—marked by a decrease in total organic carbon and an increase in carbonate content—that occurs at 760 mbsf in the Site 1168 core and (2) otherwise, Site 1168 would be the only locality in the whole of southern Australasia, either offshore or onshore, at which the Marshall Paraconformity failed to manifest itself; this is an unlikely happenstance. Paleocene/Eocene boundary after Berggren et al. (1995), Eocene/Oligocene boundary after Berggren and Aubry (1995), Oligocene/Miocene boundary after Shackleton et al. (2000), Miocene/Pliocene boundary after Cita (1975), Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary after Aguirre and Pasini (1985). New Zealand stage abbreviations (4th column from the right), from older to younger—Mata Series: Mh = Haumurian; Dannevirke Series: Dg = Wangaloan (= Teurian), Dw = Waipawan, Dm = Mangaorapan, Dh = Heretaungan, Dp = Porangan; Arnold Series: Ab = Bortonian, Ak = Kaiatan, Ar = Runangan; Landon Series: Lwh = Whaingaroan, Ld = Duntroonian, Lw = Waitakian; Pareora Series: Po = Otaian, Pl = Altonian; Southland Series: Sc = Clifdenian, Sl = Lillburnian, Sw = Waiauan; Taranaki Series: Tt = Tongaporutuan, Tk = Kapitean; Wanganui Series: Wo = Opoitian; Ww = Waitoraran (Mangapanian and Waipipian substages), Wn = Nukumaruan (Hautawan and Marahauan substages), Wc = Castlecliffian (Okehuan and Putikian substages), Wh = Haweran. The Paleocene Wangaloan Stage (after Finlay and Marwick, 1940) is preferred to Teurian Stage because of its clear historical priority (cf. Webb, 1973). Wanganui Series stages and substages are after Carter, R., and Naish (1998).