Figure F11. Normalized intensity decay (left), and demagnetization diagrams (right) of representative samples. A. Alternating-field demagnetization showing two-component magnetization with a characteristic magnetization of normal polarity and a soft drilling-induced overprint (Sample 182-1129C-30X-1, 100-103 cm). B. Normal polarity magnetization (end-point) overprinted by a prominent secondary magnetization (Sample 182-1129C-30X-3, 78-81 cm). C. Magnetization of reverse polarity over-printed by an upward-directed drilling-induced magnetization (Sample 182-1129D-3R-1, 24-28 cm). Demagnetization diagrams show projections of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) vector in the vertical (open symbols) and horizontal (solid symbols) planes during progressive demagnetization.