Table T6. Instrument conditions during Leg 183 XRF analyses.
Element Line Crystal Detector Collimator Peak angle
Total peak
Count time
SiO2 K PET(002) FPC Coarse 109.21 0 40 0
TiO2 K LiF(200) FPC Fine 86.11 0 40 0
Al2O3 K PET(002) FPC Coarse 145.18 0 100 0
Fe2O3* K LiF(200) FPC Fine 57.47 0 40 0
MnO K LiF(200) FPC Fine 62.93 0 100 0
MgO K TLAP FPC Coarse 45.17 ±0.80 150 300
CaO K LiF(200) FPC Coarse 113.12 0 40 0
Na2O K TLAP FPC Coarse 55.1 -1.2 150 150
K2O K LiF(200) FPC Coarse 136.69 0 100 0
P2O5 K Ge(111) FPC Coarse 141.09 0 100 0
Nb K LiF(200) Scint Fine 21.4 0.35 100 100
Zr K LiF(200) Scint Fine 22.55 -0.35 100 100
Y K LiF(200) Scint Fine 23.8 -0.4 100 100
Sr K LiF(200) Scint Fine 25.15 -0.4 100 100
Rb K LiF(200) Scint Fine 26.62 -0.6 100 100
Zn K LiF(200) Scint Fine 41.81 -0.55 100 100
Cu K LiF(200) Scint Fine 45.03 -0.4 100 100
Ni K LiF(200) Scint Fine 48.67 -0.55 100 100
Cr K LiF(200) FPC Fine 69.35 -0.5 100 100
TiO2 K LiF(200) FPC Fine 86.11 0.5 40 40
V K LiF(220) FPC Fine 123.06 -0.5 100 100
Ce L LiF(220) FPC Medium 128.13 -1.5 100 100
Ba L LiF(220) FPC Medium 128.78 -1.5 100 100

Notes: Total Fe as Fe2O3*; FPC = flow proportional counter using P10 gas; Scint = NaI scintillation counter. Trace elements analyzed under vacuum using goniometer 2 at generator settings of 60 kV and 50 mA; major elements analyzed under vacuum using goniometer 2 (1 for Na and Mg) at generator settings of 30 kV and 80 mA.