Table T8. Trace element analytical precision determined during Leg 183.
Element Published values Mean 1*
(N = 13)
1 SD*
TiO2 2.7 2.7 0.3 2.83
V 317 324 3.1 279
Cr 290 295.4 1.8 299
Ni 121 120.1 0.7 114
Cu 137 132.3 1.2  
Zn 109 103.4 1.7 113
Rb 9 9.2 6.2 8.5
Sr 395 394.2 0.2 380
Y 26 25.5 3.4 25.1
Zr 179 176.6 0.7 186
Nb 19 18.5 6.7 18.7
Ba 132 131.9 4.3 133
Ce 39 32.8 13.4 33
U       0
Th       2
Pb       2
Ga       21
La       20

Notes: * = analyses run through January 21, 1999. Published values and means (parts per million except for TiO2, which is in weight percent) and standard deviations (in percent) of repeated analyses of the BHVO-1 reference standard following Leg 183 calibration. SD = standard deviation. Trace elements were not recalibrated after mechanical repairs during the leg. † = samples from Sites 1141 and 1142 were analyzed postcruise at The University of Massachusetts. Kilauea 1919-1 is a sample collected from the same flow as BHVO-1 and is used as a standard at The University of Massachusetts. The reported values are the average and standard deviation of three replicate measurements.