Table T3. Summary of lithologic units at Site 1136.
Unit Core interval Depth
Thickness (m) Age Lithology Interpretation
I 2R-1, 0 cm, to 2R-1, 118 cm 4.70-5.88 1.18 Pleistocene Mixed sediment Pelagic ooze with ice-rafted debris (from drilling)
II 2R-1, 118 cm, to 7R-CC, 25 cm 5.88-60.90 55.02 early to middle Eocene Foraminifer-bearing nannofossil ooze Pelagic sediment
III 9R-1, 0 cm, to 9R-CC, 5 cm 70.30-79.90 9.60 mid-Campanian Very light brown calcareous ooze Pelagic and hemipelagic sediment with volcanic material
IV 10R-1, 0 cm, to 10R-1, 100 cm 79.90-89.50 9.60 mid- to late Albian Brown calcareous zeolitic volcanic clayey sand Mixed biogenic and altered volcanic sand deposited in neritic environment
V 11R-1, 0 cm, to 15R-1, 8 cm 89.50-128.08 38.58 mid- to late Albian Dark greenish-gray carbonate-bearing zeolitic silty clay Mixed biogenic and altered volcanic sand deposited in neritic environment
VI 15R-1, 8 cm, to 19R-2, 149 cm 128.08-161.40 33.32 mid- to late Albian Basalt Lava flows