Table T21. Summary of logging operations.

(Jan 1999)
Time (UTC)
5 1530 Hole preparation complete, rig up wireline.


1830 Uplog at 900 ft/hr from 364.7 mbsf to seafloor. Rig into hole to TD.

2030 Uplog at 900 ft/hr from 364.7 to 310 mbsf. Pull out of hole.

2250 Rig up NGT-FMS-DSI.

6 0010 Rig into hole with NGT-FMS-DSI.

0055 Uplog at 900 ft/hr from 367.9 mbsf to EOP. Rig into hole for repeat.

0230 Tight spot prevents the tool going down. Pull out of hole and rig down.

0330 End of logging operations.

Notes: Drillers total depth = 1387 mbsf; water depth = 1016 mbrf; end of pipe = 81 mbsf. UTC = universal time coordinated. RIH = run in hole. HGNS = hostile-environment natural gamma-ray sonde. APS = accelerator porosity sonde. HLDS = high temperature lithodensity sonde. LLD = deep laterolog. TAP = high-temperature/acceleration/pressure tool. TD = total depth. NGT = natural gamma-ray tool. FMS = Formation MicroScanner. DSI = dipole shear sonic imager. EOP = end of pipe.