Table T5. Summary of thin sections at Site 1137.
section, interval (cm) |
Lithologic unit |
Lithology | Mineral components (%) |
Lithic components (%) |
Bioclastic components (%) | Matrixand cement (%) | Texture |
22R-1, 26-31 | III | Glauconite-bearing sandy packstone | Glauconite, quartz | None | Shells, benthic foraminifers, ostracodes, bivalves (molds), planktonic foraminifers, sponge spicules | Micrite, chalcedony |
High matrix content,
packstone |
24R-1, 35-38 | III | Glauconite-bearing sandy packstone | Glauconite,
hornblende, superficial ooids |
None | Shells, benthic foraminifers, planktonic foraminifers | Silicified micrite,
opal cements |
High matrix content, packstone |
33R-3, 50-53 | IV, Basement Unit 5 | Siltstone and sandstone | Feldspar, quartz, garnet, hornblende, biotite | Volcanic rocks | None | None | Well sorted, angular grains, fine- to medium-sand size, matrix poor |