Table T6. Summary of Site 1137 volcaniclastic components.

Core interval Depth
Age Lithologies with
volcanic components
Authigenic and
secondary minerals
I 1R-1, 0 cm, to 1R-CC, 10 cm 0-9.50 9.50 middle Pleistocene Foraminifer-bearing diatom ooze <2% silt- to sand-sized basaltic lithic fragments and glass shards, <2% felsic glass shards and pumice lapilli Mafic glass has green smectite clay minerals (nontronite, saponite) forming rims
IV (5) 33R-1, 122 cm, to 33R-4,121 cm 286.72-291.00 4.28 late Campanian or older Volcaniclastic dark greenish gray siltstones and light gray sandstones 65%-70% volcanic lithics (basalt, trachyte), 10%-15% feldspar (K-feldspar) Green to gray iron-rich smectite clay minerals (nontronite, saponite)
IV (6) 33R-4, 120 cm, to 37R-1, 0 cm 291.01-322.80 31.80 late Campanian or older Gray volcanic conglomerate Principal clast types: plagioclase-phyric basalt, feldspar-phyric flow-banded and massive trachyte Green iron-rich smectite clay (nontronite, saponite), minor hematite/goethite in oxidized rims
IV (9) 41R-1, 103 cm, to 44R-4, 49 cm 344.03-360.67 16.60 late Campanian or older Green crystal-vitric tuff 50% felsic glass shards, 40% sanidine, 1%-2% amphibole, quartz and plagioclase feldspar, <5% lithic rip-up clasts Green nontronite, saponite and possibly celadonite, some kaolinite, minor hematite and goethite in oxidized zone