Table T8. Curated downhole depths of key horizons in the Site 1137 lava flows.

Feature Depth from
First intact lava (top of Unit 1) 227 219.51
Contact between Units 1 and 2 233.1 232.22
Unit 2 breccia becomes coherent 235-237 234.20
Contact between Units 2 and 3 243.2 247.60
Zone with extensive fracturing 244.6-246.0 NM
Unit 3 transition from vesicular top to massive interior 252.8 251.42
Base of Unit 3 (flow on Unit 4 silt) 259.8 259.10
Top of lava of Unit 4 (under ~8 cm of silt) 259.9 259.18
Contact between Units 4 and 5 (lava over volcanic sandstone) 286.5 286.72
Contact between Units 5 and 6 (sandstone over conglomerate) 290.9 291.01
Contact between Units 6 and 7 (conglomerate over lava) 321.9 322.80
Unit 7 breccia becomes coherent 327.7 327.73
Contact between Units 7 and 8 (massive lava over basal breccia) 334.6 334.14
Basal breccia over Unit 8 flow top 335 NM
Unit 8 transition from vesicular flow top to massive interior 338 335.14
Contact between Units 8 and 9 (lava over crystal vitric tuff) 345.6 344.03
Contact between Units 9 and 10 (crystal vitric tuff over lava) 360.5 360.67
Unit 10 breccia becomes coherent 364 363.97
Base of Hole 1137A 371.2 371.20

Note: NM = not measured.