Figure F69. Distribution and abundance of secondary minerals as well as other alteration features in Hole 1138A vs. depth (mbsf), based upon macroscopic features and mineral occurrences we observed in hand specimen from the core. The color is the hue of the bulk rock; dark gray = the least-altered rocks. The sediment/breccia column shows the distribution of clastic flow tops and flow bottoms. Horizontal lines = basement unit boundaries. Colors: Bl = blue-green, Gn = green, G = dark gray, Pk = pink-brown, Bk = black, R = red. Alteration: f = fresh, s = slight, m = moderate, h = high, c = complete. Sediment/Breccia: S = pebbly sandstone and brown clays from above the basement and brown quartz-rich siltstones infilling volcanic breccias; A = igneous rock completely altered to red-brown clays; Vc = volcaniclastic conglomerates, sands, and ashes (basement Unit 2); V = volcanic breccia; T = tectonic breccia. Abundance: 0 = absent, t = trace, c = common, a = abundant. AmSi = amorphous silica.