Figure F7. Examples of variable lithologies in Unit V. A. Rusty brown glauconite-bearing calcareous sandstone with white serpulid worm tubes (interval 183-1138A-70R-1, 128-144 cm). B. Darker colored glauconitic sandstone (interval 183-1138A-71R-1, 85-105 cm). C. Orange or rusty brown well-laminated, glauconite-bearing silty fine sandstone over glauconite-bearing calcareous sandstone with scattered pebbles (interval 183-1138A-71R-2, 92-115 cm). D. Glauconite-bearing calcareous sandstone at the base of Unit V. The wavy contact at ~137-138 cm is the boundary between units V and VI (interval 183-1138A-71R-2, 130-150 cm).