Figure F85. A. Portion of seismic reflection line 101 data from Rig Seismic cruise 179, across Site 1138, and a synthetic seismic trace from Figure F84, excluding multiples and transmission losses. Reflections tied to the synthetic seismogram are labeled. MUL = multiple, M = Miocene, MO = late Maastrichtian–late Oligocene, CM = mid-Campanian–late Maastrichtian, C = mid-Campanian, TS = Turonian–Santonian, B = basement. B. Portion of seismic reflection line 101 from Rig Seismic cruise 179, across Site 1138, and a synthetic seismic trace from Figure F84, including multiples and transmission losses. Reflections tied to the synthetic seismogram are labeled as in F85A. The vertical exaggeration is ~16:1 at the seafloor.