Table T7. Hole 1138A lava-flow units.

position of top
of top
lava type

3 79R-4, 102 741.89 5.68 Slab pahoehoe?
4 80R-1, 119 747.57 2.39 Aa?
5 80R-3, 48 749.68 6.28 Aa?
6 81R-1, 6 755.96 2.84 Inflated pahoehoe
7 81R-3, 10-17 758.80 6.80 Transitional breccia top (aa-like)
8 82R-1, 0 765.60 2.20 Transitional breccia top (aa-like)
9 82R-2, 70 767.80 7.42 Aa and slab pahoehoe
10 83R-1, 2 775.22 5.44 Transitional breccia top (slab-like)
11 83R-4, 115 780.66 2.41 Elongated vesicle pahoehoe (spatter fed?)
12 83R-6, 81 783.07 3.05 Welded spongy pahoehoe lobes
13 84R-1, 130-133 786.12 8.38 Slab pahoehoe and aa
14 85R-1, 0 794.50 3.17 Transitional?
15 85R-3, 34 797.67 6.43 Transitional? + additional flows?
16 86R-1, 0 804.10 0.73 Massive interior only, flow type unknown
17 86R-1, 73 804.83 3.03 Transitional (reactivated pahoehoe?)
18 86R-3, 76 807.86 5.84 Transitional (reactivated pahoehoe?)
19 87R-1, 0 813.70 9.70 Transitional (reactivated pahoehoe)
20 88R-1, 0 823.40 1.36 Rootless vent
21 88R-1, 136 824.76 9.64 Transitional (breccia with intruding pahoehoe)
22 89R-1, 130 834.40 8.30 Transitional (breccia with intruding pahoehoe)

Note: * = thicknesses are based on curated depths and may differ from true unit thicknesses by as much as ±5 m.