Site 1141


Drilling at Site 1141 recovered material from 72.1 m of igneous basement (see "Operations" and "Physical Volcanology"). We did not recover the contact with the overlying sedimentary section, but the lowermost sedimentary rock recovered above basement is a sandy nannofossil-bearing foraminifer limestone that contains microfossils of middle to late Eocene age (see "Biostratigraphy" and "Lithostratigraphy"). Thus, the minimum age of basement at this site (and Site 1142; see "Lithostratigraphy") is near the age inferred for rifting between Broken Ridge and the Kerguelen Plateau (e.g., Mutter and Cande, 1983).

The basement section is divided into six units (Cores 183-1141A-13R through 24R); Figure F38 contains a summary of unit boundaries, curated depths and thicknesses, and recovery (see also Table T5). All but the first unit are basaltic lavas that appear to have been emplaced subaerially. We have defined the basaltic lava units on the basis of marked differences in flow structure, oxidation, and/or vesicularity (see "Physical Volcanology"). The most diagnostic criteria for stratigraphic classification at Site 1141 were distinctive red or green color (e.g., the Unit 2/3 boundary) accompanied by a change from massive structure (interpreted to correspond to flow interiors) to brecciated structure (interpreted to correspond to flow margins) (e.g., the Unit 5/6 boundary) and/or a change in vesicularity and vesicle shape and size (e.g., the Unit 4/5 boundary). Units 5 and 6 are also distinguished by macroscopic differences in phenocryst content. Each lava unit corresponds to what we provisionally interpret to be a single eruption event. Note, however, that Unit 4 may contain an additional flow boundary and possibly a dike (Section 183-1141A-18R-2), but a definite identification of either is precluded by limited recovery (Table T5) and requires detailed shore-based study.

Macroscopic Features of Basement Lithology

Unit 1 (1.0 m curated thickness) is represented by only three small pieces (2-3 cm) of angular, rough-surfaced, moderately altered, medium-grained, plagioclase-clinopyroxene-olivine gabbro, which could be originally from a dike or sill but could also have been collected from a gravel bed. Because the rocks are likely to have been broken during drilling, the shapes and surfaces of the pieces provide no insight into which of these possibilities is correct.

Large portions of Units 2 and 3 are altered to clay and were disturbed considerably by drilling. Unit 2 (20.0 m curated thickness) is dominantly clay, with the exception of a few pebble- to small cobble-sized pieces of soft, completely altered basalt near the bottom of the unit. From these pieces, we determined that the protolith was aphanitic to fine-grained aphyric basalt. Most of Unit 3 (8.3 m curated thickness) is also clay; however, pieces recovered from the lower ~0.5 m of the unit are only moderately altered. The basalt in these pieces is fine to medium grained and sparsely plagioclase-phyric.

Unit 4 (19.6 m curated thickness) varies from completely altered to locally slightly altered, aphyric to moderately plagioclase- or plagioclase-olivine-phyric basalt. Alteration in most of the massive interior portion of the unit is moderate. The basalt in Section 183-1141A-18R-2 and in the bottom of Section 183-1141A-18R-1 is notably fresher, finer grained, and denser than that above or below in Unit 4. This interval could simply be a dense, better-preserved zone within the interior of the flow. Alternatively, it could be a portion of a dike intruded into Unit 4; however, no contacts were recovered. As with the entire basement sequence, the magnetic polarity of this zone is normal (see "Paleomagnetism"). The top piece of Section 183-1141A-18R-1 is brecciated and could represent part of a flow top, but, again, no contact was recovered.

Alteration in Unit 5 (8.0 m curated thickness) is high to complete in the upper portion of the unit but decreases to moderate in the lower portion (Sections 183-1141A-21R-1 through 21R-3) (see "Alteration and Weathering"). The basalt is sparsely olivine-phyric. Most of Unit 6 (15.3 m curated thickness) is also sparsely olivine-phyric, but a range from aphyric to moderately olivine-plagioclase-phyric basalt is present. Alteration ranges from complete to moderate and, in Sections 183-1141A-23R-1 and 23R-2, to locally slight.


Table T8 summarizes the thin-section mineralogy and textures of samples from Sites 1141 and 1142. All basalt samples studied from these sites have relatively uniform mineralogical compositions and textures.

Site 1141 samples from Units 2, 3, and most of 4 are aphyric to plagioclase-phyric basalts. Plagioclase phenocrysts commonly exhibit sieve textures as well as overgrowths (Fig. F39). In the lower part of Unit 4 and in Units 5 and 6, partially altered olivine is a persistent phenocryst phase (Fig. F40). The groundmass consists of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, titanomagnetite, and altered glass. In the lower part of Unit 4, and throughout Units 5 and 6, olivine is present in the groundmass. Another minor but common groundmass phase is apatite, which is found as minute needles concentrated in interstitial glassy regions. These two features suggest that the basalts are alkalic, an observation that is confirmed by geochemistry.

Textures in the groundmass range from intergranular to intersertal or trachytic, but in coarser-grained interiors of the larger flows, subophitic to ophitic textures have developed (Fig. F41). Samples from the margins of Units 5 and 6 are vesicular and finer grained, but have essentially the same mineralogy as the more slowly cooled flow interiors.

The degree of alteration as observed in thin section is moderate to high from the top of Unit 1 to the upper part of Unit 6. In this interval, the mafic minerals and groundmass glass are completely replaced by fine-grained carbonate (Fig. F42), clay, and iron oxides. Crystalline goethite is present and is an alteration product of titanomagnetite (Fig. F43). However, even in these rocks, a large proportion of plagioclase has escaped alteration. In contrast, portions of the middle to lower part of Unit 6 are well preserved and samples from this interval retain a large proportion of fresh phenocryst and groundmass olivine (Fig. F40).

Site 1142


Drilling at Site 1142 penetrated 50.9 m of basement. Four pieces of basalt, totaling 0.3 m in curated thickness, were recovered from the bottom of the interval above the basement sequence (interval 183-1142A-1W-1, 0-41 cm) (see "Operations"). The contact between igneous basement and the overlying sedimentary sequence was not recovered, but Section 183-1142A-1W-1 includes two pieces of the middle to late Eocene, sandy, nannofossil-bearing foraminifer limestone similar to that found at Site 1141 (see "Biostratigraphy" and "Lithostratigraphy"). Moreover, small amounts of this limestone are cemented onto the weathered surfaces of the basalt pieces in this section; thus, the basalt and limestone were in contact before drilling, although the contact was not necessarily a conformable one. Within the basement sequence, many of the volcanological features that were useful in determining unit boundaries at the other Leg 183 sites are not present in the material recovered at Site 1142 (see "Physical Volcanology"); however, major lithologic changes define six distinct basement units. The upper five units provide no evidence for submarine emplacement; however, Unit 6 contains basalts that were possibly emplaced in water (see "Physical Volcanology"). Table T6 presents a summary of the unit boundaries, curated depths and thicknesses, and recovery (see also Fig. F44).

Macroscopic Features of Basement Lithology

Unit 1 is massive basalt with a recovered thickness of 1.9 m and an estimated thickness of 8.8 m (Fig. F44). There is no curated thickness for this unit. We began coring within the unit (see Table T6; Fig. F44). The basalt is slightly to moderately altered, fine grained, and aphyric to sparsely plagioclase-olivine-phyric. The basalt fragments from the upper portion of the unit (Section 183-1142A-1W-1) have prominent (~0.3 to 5 cm thick) oxidation halos at their margins. The presence of oxidation halos and adhering limestone suggests periods of both subaerial and submarine exposure and weathering, possibly related to the Eocene rifting of Broken Ridge from the Kerguelen Plateau. Basalt from the lower portion of the unit (Sections 183-1142A-2R-1 and 2R-2) lacks oxidation halos (and associated limestone).

Unit 2 (1.2 m curated thickness) consists of a single section (Section 183-1142A-3R-1) containing 20 moderately to completely altered cobble-sized pieces of genetically unrelated rock types. With the exception of material in the core-catcher of this section, these rocks represent all that was recovered of a 9.6-m interval. The rocks include volcanic breccia (see "Physical Volcanology" for description), clinopyroxene-phyric basalt, plagioclase-phyric basalt, olivine-phyric basalt, aphyric basalt, and feldspar- and feldspar-quartz-phyric felsic volcanic rocks. Approximately half of the pieces are round to subround, with abraded, slightly weathered surfaces; this feature, together with the mixture of rock types present, may indicate that we sampled some type of immature, uncemented sedimentary deposit, perhaps a near-source debris flow or a talus pile. The felsic rocks demonstrate that a wider range of igneous lithologies is present in the upper levels of basement in this region of Broken Ridge than represented by the basaltic lavas drilled at either Site 1141 or 1142.

Unit 3 (19.3 m curated thickness) is a completely altered brecciated aphanitic basalt; the upper portions are aphyric (Sections 183-1142A-3R-CC through 5R-1) and the lower portion (Sections 183-1142A-5R-2 through 6R-1) is aphyric to moderately olivine-plagioclase-phyric. Much of the unit is highly disturbed by drilling, but the lower portion contains more massive and coherent breccia and thin (~0.1 m) lava lobes. A description of the textural features used to subdivide the unit into three subunits is in "Physical Volcanology".

Unit 4 (4.3 m curated thickness) is a well-indurated, normally graded claystone or mudstone. The red clay matrix supports very coarse sand-sized to small-granule-sized clasts of very highly to completely altered lithic fragments and crystals of quartz and altered feldspar. This unit is interpreted as a mudflow deposit (see detailed description and discussion in "Physical Volcanology").

Unit 5 (8.8 m curated thickness) is composed of aphanitic, aphyric volcanic breccia. Alteration is nearly complete, except near the base of the unit (Section 183-1142A-8R-1), where some very highly altered material is preserved (see "Physical Volcanology" and "Alteration and Weathering"). The only hint of the original rock type is provided by very rare quartz crystals in Section 183-1142A-7R-2, suggesting an evolved composition.

Evidence of possible eruption into water is provided by Unit 6. This unit is composed of 8.5 m of nonvesicular, massive, and possibly pillowed basalt. The portion we recovered contains at least two possible glassy margins, now altered to clay. The basalt is aphyric and fine-grained to aphanitic. Rare plagioclase phenocrysts are present in Sections 183-1142A-9R-2 through 9R-4. Alteration varies from high to moderate in most of the unit, although portions of Section 183-1142A-10R-1 are only slightly altered. In addition to the presence of possible glassy margins (Figs. F36, F37), the pattern of veining (see "Alteration and Weathering") is consistent with that of pillow lavas. The near absence of vesicles (see "Physical Volcanology") suggests eruption of the unit in relatively deep water. Distinctive, curved, and commonly roughly concentric brown to orange oxidation bands are abundant in all but the lowermost section of the unit (Section 183-1142A-10R-3); these bands are similar to those in weathered pillow lava lobes. However, such bands are not typical of submarine alteration and probably represent subaerial weathering during the period of uplift and rifting of Broken Ridge from the Kerguelen Plateau.


The general petrographic characteristics of the basement units from Site 1142 are presented in Table T8. Unit 1 of Site 1142 is sparsely olivine-phyric basalt with an intergranular texture. Although relatively fresh, with large proportions of all silicate minerals including unaltered olivine (Fig. F45), it contains large patches of carbonate in the groundmass. Thin sections from the best-preserved parts of the underlying Units 2, 3, and 6 all show moderate to high alteration. Of the primary phases, only a portion of the plagioclase and magnetite has not been replaced by secondary minerals. Textures, however, are well preserved. Unit 3 is a moderately olivine-plagioclase-phyric basalt with plagioclase that exhibits sieve textures and olivine that is completely altered to clay (Fig. F46). A Unit 6 sample from a possible pillow margin (183-1142A-9R-4, 3-7 cm) contains an apparent outer glassy rind. The rind is brecciated, replaced by cryptocrystalline goethite and clay, and intruded by multiple calcite veins; despite this, it retains the appearance of relict glass (Fig. F47). Adjacent to the rind, the rock consists of fine, well-oriented plagioclase laths and lesser amounts of granular clinopyroxene and titanomagnetite, all altered to clay and secondary iron oxide. As in the region farther from the margin (e.g., Sample 183-1142A-10R-1, 38-40 cm), which has similar texture and mineralogy, this portion of the rock is sparsely plagioclase-phyric, with plagioclase phenocrysts that exhibit sieve-textured rims (Fig. F48).

Sites 1141 and 1142 Geochemistry

We report X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses for eleven lavas, nine from Site 1141 and two from Site 1142, in Table T9. The samples are generally olivine-normative basalts, although three samples (two from Site 1141 and one from Site 1142) are quartz normative. Compositions are generally slightly alkalic (Fig. F49), with data for all but two samples (one from Site 1141, a trachybasalt, and one from Site 1142, a basaltic andesite) plotting in the basalt field. For this discussion, all samples will be referred to as basalts.

The samples exhibit moderate compositional variations (Site 1141: SiO2 = 45.3-51.6 wt%; MgO = 3.16-6.45 wt%; Mg#, assuming 80% of the total iron is FeO, = 0.38-0.55. Site 1142: SiO2 = 46.7-53.9 wt%; MgO = 2.77-6.56 wt%; Mg# = 0.39-0.55). At Site 1141, the three units sampled generally exhibit limited variations in TiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, and K2O from Unit 4 to Unit 6 (Table T9; Fig. F50), except for the uppermost sample from Unit 4 (183-1141A-17R-1, 27-31 cm), which contains notably higher abundances of these elements. Silica exhibits little variation in Units 4 and 5 (47.2-48.2 wt%; Table T9), but in Unit 6, it shows a range from 45.3 to 51.6 wt%. This may reflect variable alteration but the samples with different SiO2 have similar Na2O and K2O contents (Fig. F50). The MgO contents steadily increase from the top of Unit 4 to the base of Unit 5, then markedly decrease at the top of Unit 6 before steadily increasing down through this unit. This pattern is generally paralleled by that of CaO. Fe2O3 varies more in Unit 4 (9.54-12.9 wt%), with a maximum value in the center of the flow, than in the other two units (10.8-12.3 wt%).

Minor and trace elements show similar downhole patterns to those of the major elements, with P2O5, Nb, Ba, Rb, and Zr (not shown) contents decreasing downhole markedly from the uppermost Unit 4 sample to similar abundances throughout the remainder of Unit 4 and Units 5 and 6 (Fig. F51). Chromium increases from 125 ppm near the top of Unit 4 to 292 ppm at the base but varies less through Units 5 and 6 (296-344 ppm). Primitive mantle-normalized (Nb/Zr)N varies little in Unit 6 (~1.7-1.8) compared to Units 4 and 5, where it decreases from ~2.5 at the top of Unit 4 to ~1.7 in the middle of the unit, then increases downward to ~1.9 within Unit 5. Variation in (Zr/Y)N broadly parallels and (Zr/Ti)N is opposite to that displayed by (Nb/Zr)N.

In terms of the geochemistry, no compositional differences in Unit 4 correlate with the composite nature of this unit observed in the cores. The downhole compositional variation can be explained by igneous fractionation and alteration processes. For example, Samples 183-1141A-22R-3, 94-96 cm, and 22R-3, 142-146 cm, of Unit 6 are quartz normative (Table T9) yet contain olivine as phenocrysts and as a groundmass phase. Their quartz-normative character may be explained by the secondary silica present as vesicle fill (see "Alteration and Weathering"). Variations in TiO2, MgO, and CaO, (Fig. F50), along with P2O5, Ni, and Cr (Fig. F51), are consistent with two inputs of fresh, comparatively primitive magma at the beginning of the Unit 5 and Unit 6 eruptions. For example, at the top of Unit 6, MgO has decreased to 3.19 wt%, from 6.45 wt% at the base. At the base of Unit 5, MgO is again more than 6 wt%. We suggest these changes represent pulses of new, more primitive magma, rather than crystal accumulation at the base of the flows. We observed no increase in the proportion of phenocrysts at the bases of flow units in thin section. From the Al2O3 and CaO variations, it appears that olivine was joined by clinopyroxene, rather than plagioclase, as a fractionating phase because CaO increases then decreases upward (i.e., as each magma evolved) (Fig. F50), whereas Al2O3 generally increases up the core (Fig. F50). Also, clinopyroxene fractionation can affect incompatible element ratios (i.e., 30% fractional crystallization of clinopyroxene results in an increase of 1 unit in [Zr/Y]N, it results in an increase of <0.08 for [Nb/Zr]N). However, clinopyroxene is not observed as a phenocryst phase in thin section. Rather, sieve textured plagioclase phenocrysts are present. Resorption of plagioclase could be the result of the influx of more primitive magma. The range of incompatible element ratios may reflect open-system fractional crystallization and/or magma mixing.

At Site 1142, the two samples analyzed demonstrate compositional differences between Units 1 (basalt) and 6 (basaltic andesite). Compositional variations between the samples from Site 1142 suggest that the two units represented are not related by simple closed-system fractional crystallization. For example, although the sample with the highest MgO content (interval 183-1142A-2R-1, 50-53 cm, of Unit 1, with 6.56 wt% vs. interval 183-1142A-10R-1, 37-40 cm, of Unit 6, with 2.77 wt%) has the highest Ni and Cr abundances (184 vs. 34 ppm and 303 vs. 21 ppm, respectively), it also contains the highest TiO2, Nb, and Zr abundances (2.77 vs. 2.46 wt%, 26.3 vs. 16.1 ppm and 233 vs. 220 ppm, respectively). In addition, primitive mantle-normalized incompatible element ratios differ significantly between the Unit 1 and Unit 6 samples, which have, respectively, (Nb/Zr)N = 1.8 and 1.2, (Zr/Ti)N = 1.6 and 1.8, and (Zr/Y)N = 3.2 and 2.3. As with Site 1141 basalts, clinopyroxene fractionation can affect these ratios, but it is not observed as a phenocryst phase.

As Sites 1141 and 1142 are only ~800 m apart, establishing similarities between the two basement sections was difficult on the basis of core descriptions or petrography. Whole-rock geochemistry demonstrates interval 183-1142A-2R-1, 50-53 cm, of Unit 1 has a similar composition to those from Unit 6 from Site 1141 (Figs. F52, F53, F54; Table T9). This suggests that Site 1142 Unit 6 is from beneath the recovered sequence at Site 1141. The analyzed sample from Unit 6 (interval 183-1142A-10R-1, 37-40 cm) has a composition similar to other Kerguelen Plateau basalts and it is tholeiitic (Fig. F49).

Comparison with Other Broken Ridge Samples

Mahoney et al. (1995) reported geochemical data for dredge samples from the central and eastern Broken Ridge and concluded that at least some of these samples contained evidence of a continental lithospheric, possibly crustal, influence in their genesis especially for the eastern part of Broken Ridge. These data are presented on primitive mantle-normalized diagrams in Fig. F55, where they are compared with those from Sites 1141 and 1142. It is evident that the dredge and drill-core samples generally have different compositions. For example, the Leg 183 samples have subparallel profiles with (Nb/Ce)N ratios generally >1, distinct from the dredge samples, which have (Nb/Ce)N <1. Only interval 183-1142A-10R-1, 37-40 cm, has a (Nb/Ce)N ratio < 1. This sample appears to be similar to the dredge samples from Broken Ridge (Fig. F55). Overall, the other Sites 1141 and 1142 samples are enriched in the incompatible minor and trace elements relative to the dredge samples and lack evidence of any obvious continental influence. General distinctions between the Broken Ridge drill and dredge samples are further emphasized in Figures F52, F53, and F54.

Comparison with Kerguelen Plateau Sites

The basalts from Sites 1141 and 1142 are compared with those from sites on the Kerguelen Plateau, as well as the dredge samples from Broken Ridge in Figures F52 and F53. Except for lavas from Site 1139, samples from Sites 1141 and 1142 have lower MgO and higher Al2O3, TiO2, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Ti, and Ni contents relative to lavas from other sites. The generally alkaline composition of Site 1141 and 1142 basalts is supported by the presence of apatite in the groundmass, which is consistent with their elevated P2O5 contents relative to most Kerguelen Plateau and other Broken Ridge samples (Figs. F52, F54). Data for one of the two basalts analyzed from Site 1142 (183-1142A-2R-1, 50-53 cm, the sample with the higher MgO content) fall within the range of the Site 1141 data, whereas the other sample plots with the majority of Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge basalts (Fig. F53). In terms of Zr, Ti, and Nb, the Leg 183 Broken Ridge basalts are similar to those from Site 1139 and the alkali basalt from Site 748, but they contain lower Y contents for a given Zr abundance, having similar (Zr/Y)N ratios to those of Site 1137 basalts (Fig. F54). In terms of Ni, basalts from Sites 1141 and 1142 are distinct (Figs. F53, F54). The elevated Ni contents are consistent with the presence of olivine both as a phenocryst and groundmass phase in some of the Site 1141 basalts. The only other samples exhibiting such elevated Ni abundances are from the Site 748 alkali basalt. Curiously, lavas with hot Ni content at Sites 748, 1141, and 1142 have high (Nb/Zr)N (Fig. F54).

Summary and Conclusions

At Sites 1141 and 1142, six basement units were identified. On the basis of macroscopic and microscopic features, these units cannot be correlated, even though Site 1142 is only ~800 m to the south of Site 1141. From geochemical evidence, however, we suggest that Unit 1 of Site 1142 is equivalent to Unit 6 of Site 1141. This is consistent with seismic data that suggest basement in this area has a persistent northerly dip (see "Background and Objectives"). The observed differences could also be a result of paleotopographic control on the deposition of the lavas and other basement units, or locally different erosion rates.

Compared to most basement lavas from the Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge, basement lavas at Sites 1141 and 1142 have higher abundances of Ni and incompatible elements. The relatively high Zr and Nb contents result in (Nb/Zr)N and (Zr/Y)N ratios similar to Site 1139 basement lavas; only samples from the Site 748 alkali basalt have higher values (Fig. F54). We infer that Site 1141 and 1142 basalts were generated by lower degrees of partial melting than basement lavas from Leg 183 Sites 1136, 1137, 1138, and 1140. The elevated Ni contents, however, indicate that they experienced lower amounts of olivine fractional crystallization. The ranges in incompatible element ratios suggest fractional crystallization did not occur in a closed system (especially as clinopyroxene is not observed as a phenocryst phase). Sieve-textured plagioclase phenocrysts suggest that fractional crystallization was accompanied by magma mixing.

Given that drilling at Sites 1141 and 1142 penetrated only the uppermost few tens of meters of basement from this many kilometers thick edifice, the rocks recovered clearly represent the terminal stages of volcanism on this portion of Broken Ridge. The igneous activity recorded in the drill cores was alkalic and may reflect lower degrees of partial melting under the influence of a waning heat source. Only the base of Site 1142 penetrated beneath this terminal alkalic sequence of lava flows into the general tholeiitic sequence. This lowermost unit at Site 1142 is compositionally distinct from other Site 1141 and 1142 basalts in that it exhibits (Nb/Ce)N < 1, similar to the dredge samples from Broken Ridge (Fig F55), a result that is consistent with contamination by a continental component (Mahoney et al., 1995). All other Site 1141 or 1142 lavas do not exhibit evidence of this contamination (i.e., they have [Nb/Ce]N > 1).