Table T7. Vesicle distribution in Unit 2 at Site 1141.
Core, section,
interval (cm)
Size range

14R-1, 6-10 0 >1
14R-1, 91-95 3 0.4-4 Round and spherical
14R-1, 122-138 10 0.6-2 Irregular to spherical, rounded
14R-1, 10-20 15 0.5-4 Irregular to spherical, rounded
14R-2, 29-35 25 0.2-15 Irregular, subangular
14R-2, 54-56 15 1-10 Equant to elongate, angular
14R-2, 57-62 3 0.1-2 Spherical to irregular, rounded
14R-2, 80-90 7 0.5-22 Equant to elongate, rounded to subangular
14R-CC, 0-22 3 0.1-2 Spherical to irregular, rounded
15R-1, 8-16 10 1-4 Rounded, near spherical
16R-1, 14-20 5 0.5-6 Irregular, subangular
16R-1, 105-112 0 <1
16R-2, 0-19 10-25 0.3-6 Moderately spherical, rounded