Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F76
Tables T1-T15

F31. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1142A-7R-1, 10-20 cm.

F32. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1142A-7R-1, 137-148 cm.

F33. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1142A-7R-2, 21-40 cm.

F34. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1142A-9R-1, 71-93 cm.

F35. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1142A-10R-2, 42-63 cm.

F36. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1142A-9R-2, 58-68 cm.

F37. Close-up photograph of interval 183-1142A-9R-4, 0-13 cm.

F38. Interpretive log for Hole 1141A.

F39. Two examples from Unit 3 of plagioclase phenocrysts exhibiting a sieve texture.

F40. Altered olivine phenocryst from Unit 6 with fresh cores.

F41. Subophitic texture with olivine phenocrysts, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase.

F42. Carbonate pseudomorph (in cross-polarized light) of a mafic phenocryst.

F43. Two examples of crystalline goethite replacing titanomagnetite.

F44. Interpretive log for Hole 1142A.

F45. Corroded olivine microphenocrysts with fresh cores in an intergranular groundmass.

F46. Sieve-textured plagioclase and altered olivine phenocrysts in an intergranular groundmass.

F47. Altered, possibly originally glassy, pillow margin.

F48. Interior of probable pillow lava showing corroded plagioclase phenocrysts in an intergranular groundmass.

F49. Sites 1141 and 1142 igneous rock compositions.

F50. Downhole variations of major elements through basement Units 4-6 at Site 1141.

F51. Downhole variations of selected minor and trace elements through basement Units 4-6 at Site 1141.

F52. Major and minor element compositions of Sites 1141 and 1142 basalts.

F53. Trace element compositions of Sites 1141 and 1142 basalts.

F54. Variations of minor and trace element abundances with primitive mantle-normalized Nb/Zr ratio for Sites 1141 and 1142 basalts.

F55. Primitive mantle-normalized plots of Sites 1141 and 1142 basalts.

F56. The distribution of secondary minerals in Holes 1141A and 1142A.

F57. Color close-up photograph of interval 183-1141A-18R-1 (Piece 11B, 74-85 cm).

F58. Color close-up photograph of interval 183-1141A-22R-1 (Piece 2, 105-120 cm).

F59. Color close-up photograph of interval 183-1141A-23R-1, 105-115 cm.

F60. Color close-up photograph of interval 183-1141A-24R-1 (Piece 2H, 85-101 cm).

Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F76
Tables T1-T15