Plate P5. Sporomorphs from lithologic Units IV and VI, Hole 1138A. Scale bar = 10 µm. 1. Cyclusphaera radiata Archangelsky, 1983 (Sample 183-1138A-73R-2, 90-92 cm) (slide 2). 2, 3. Phimopollenites augathellaensis (Burger, 1970) Dettmann, 1973 (Sample 183-1138A-72R-1, 46-51 cm) (slide 1). 4, 6-8. Sample 183-1138A-73R-3, 36-38 cm. (4) Lygistepollenites florinii (Cookson and Pike, 1953) Stover and Evans, 1973 (slide 1). (6, 7) Senectotriradites? sp. (slide 2). (8) Afropollis? sp. (slide 5). 5. Clavatipollenites hughesii Couper 1958, Type B (Sample 183-1138A-73R-2, 38-40 cm) (slide 2). 9. Chlamydophorella nyei Cookson and Eisenack, 1958 (Sample 183-1138A-68R-1, 40-42 cm) (slide 1). 10. Rhiptochorys veligera (Deflandre, 1937) Lejeune-Carpentier and Sarjeant, 1983 (Sample 183-1138A-68R-2, 124-126 cm) (slide 2).