Plates P1, P2, P3, and P4 figure some key diatom marker species as well as other typical diatoms found in Hole 1140A.

Actinocyclus curvatulus Janisch in Schmidt
Actinocyclus ingens Rattray (Pl. P1, fig. 6)
Actinocyclus karstenii Van Heurck
Actinocyclus ochotensis Jousé
Actinocyclus octonarius Ehrenberg (Pl. P3, fig. 2)
Actinocyclus oculatus Jousé
Actinocyclus thumii Hanna
Actinoptychus bipunctatus Lohman (Pl. P1, fig. 4)
Actinoptychus senarius (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg; Hendey
Araniscus lewisianus (Greville) Komura (Pl. P1, fig. 15)
Asterolampra insignis Schmidt
Asterolampra marylandica Ehrenberg
Asteromphalus concavus Harwood and Maruyama
Asteromphalus inaequabilis Gersonde
Asteromphalus oligocenicus Schrader and Fenner (Pl. P4, fig. 1)
Asteromphalus symmetricus Schrader and Fenner
Azpeitia endoi Kanaya (Pl. P3, fig. 5)
Azpeitia tabularis (Grunow) Fryxell and Sims
Biddulphia deodora Hanna and Grant
Cavitatus jouseanus (Sheshukova-Poretzkaya) Williams (Pl. P2, fig.1)
Cestodiscus pulchellus Greville
Corethron criophilum Castracane
Coscinodiscus asteromphalus Ehrenberg (Pl. P3, fig. 3)
Coscinodiscus decrescens Grunow (Pl. P3, fig. 1)
Coscinodiscus marginatus Ehrenberg (Pl. P1, fig. 1)
Coscinodiscus monicae Grunow
Coscinodiscus rhombicus Castracane (Pl. P2, fig. 11)
Craspedodiscus coscinodiscus Ehrenberg
Crucidenticula ikebei Akiba and Yanagisawa
Crucidenticula kanayae Akiba and Yanagisawa
Crucidenticula nicobarica (Grunow) Akiba and Yanagisawa (Pl. P1, fig. 13)
Crucidenticula punctata (Schrader) Akiba and Yanagisawa
Dactyliozolen antarcticus Castracane (Pl. P1, fig. 2)
Denticulopsis hustedtii Simonsen and Kanaya (Pl. P1, figs. 10, 11)
Denticulopsis lauta (Bailey) Simonsen
Denticulopsis maccollumii Simonsen (Pl. P1, fig. 9)
Denticulopsis punctata Schrader
Dimerogramma fossile (Grunow) Cleve and Moller
Ethmodiscus rex Wallich
Eucampia antarctica (Castracane) Mangin
Goniothecium decoratum Brun
Hemiaulus sp. aff. H. giganteus Ehrenberg (Pl. P2, fig. 12)
Hemiaulus altus Hajós
Hemiaulus danicus Grunow
Hemiaulus inaequilaterus Gombos (Pl. P2, fig. 7)
Hemiaulus incisus Hajós
Hemiaulus polycystinorum Ehrenberg (Pl. P2, fig. 4)
Hemiaulus polymorphus Grunow
Hemiaulus pungens Grunow (Pl. P2, figs. 5, 6)
Hemiaulus spp.
Remarks: Original description of genus is from Ehrenberg, 1884. Valves are elliptical with long thin processes, linking by apical spines. Valve face is curved, merging with the deep mantles. Simple round pores or large elliptical to rectangular holes are closed by complex cribra. One rimoportula is usually present in a central of offset position, but is sometimes absent. Copulae are more finely areolate than the valves, split with pointed ends. Specimens identifiable to this genus but not to the species level were all indentified as Hemiaulus sp. in this paper.
Nitzschia barronii Gersonde
Nitzschia denticuloides Schrader
Nitzschia grossepunctata Schrader
Nitzschia kerguelensis (O'Meara) Hasle (Pl. P1, fig. 14)
Opephora gemmata (Grunow) Hustedt
Paralia sulcata (Ehrenberg) Kützing (Pl. P1, fig. 5)
Pseudorocella barbadensis Deflandre (Pl. P4, fig. 7)
Pseudotriceratium chenevieri (Meister) Gleser (Pl. P4, fig. 8)
Pyxilla johnsoniana (Grevelle) Hendey
Rhaphoneis cocconeides Schrader
Rhaphoneis elongata (Schrader) Andrews
Rhizosolenia spp.
Remarks: Original description of genus is from Ehrenberg, 1841. Valves are asymmetrical, conelike, drawn out into a "spine," often with shoulders at the base. Areolae are small, round to quadrate, and arranged in vertical rows, often indistinct when viewed from the outside because each areola is closed externally by a delicate plate penetrated by one to several slits or pores. Specimens identifiable to this genus but not to the species level were all indentified as Rhizosolenia sp. in this paper.
Riedelia claviger (Schmidt) Schrader and Fenner
Rocella gelida (Mann) Bukry
Rocella praenitida Schrader and Fenner, in Kim et Barron (Pl. P4, fig. 5)
Rocella vigilans var. "a" (<40 µm) (Schmidt) Fenner see var. "a" of Harwood and Maryuma (Pl. P4, fig. 6)
Rouxia granda Schrader in Schrader and Fenner
Rouxia spp.
Remarks: Original description of genus is from Brun and Heribaud, 1893. Valves are kidney shaped with broadly rounded apices. Valve surface is slightly convex with a central depression. The raphe bars are well developed with a rectangular, narrow central area. Two rudimentary raphes are present. Transapical ribs are present. Specimens identifiable to this genus but not to the species level were all indentified as Rouxia sp. in this paper.
Sceptroneis aff. mayenica Ehrenberg
Sceptroneis mayenica Fenner in Schrader and Fenner (Pl. P2, fig. 8)
Sceptroneis praecaducea Hajós and Stradner
Sceptroneis propinqua Schrader and Fenner
Sceptroneis spp.
Remarks: Original description of genus is from Ehrenberg, 1844. Valves are elongate and slightly curved, with a broad, slightly capitate head-pole and a narrow base-pole; swollen in the central part. Valve mantle is sharply turned down, virtually at a right angle to the flat valve face. Striae are uniseriate, oriented at right angles to a rather indistinct central sternum. Areolae are large, round, or elliptical, containing perforate rotae across their external apertures. Specimens identifiable to this genus but not to the species level were all indentified as Sceptroneis sp. in this paper.
Stephanogonia hanzawae Kanaya (Pl. P1, fig. 12)
Stephanopyxis sp. (1-spire) (Greville and Arnott) Ralfs in Pritchard
Stephanopyxis barbadensis Greville (Pl. P4, fig. 4)
Stephanopyxis eoceanica Hajós
Stephanopyxis spinosissima Grunow
Stephanopyxis turris group (Greville and Arnott) Ralfs in Pritchard (Pl. P1, figs. 7, 8; Pl. P2, figs. 2, 3; Pl. P4, figs. 2, 3)
Stephanopyxis turris var. trispinosus (Greville and Arnott) Ralfs in Pritchard (Pl. P2, figs. 9, 10)
Stictodiscus sp. cf. S. kittonianus Greville
Thalassionema schraderi Akiba
Thalassiosira spp.
Remarks: Original description of genus is from Cleve, 1873. Valve are circular, with a flat valve face and short downturned mantles or sometimes almost watchglasslike. Areolae are usually loculate, arranged in radial rows, tangential rows, or arcs, varying in size and prominence. The areolae are open to the outside by circular foramina, sometimes with fingerlike projections; internally they are occluded by slightly raised cribra. Valve mantle is plain or with spines of varied form; mantle edge is often very prominently ribbed and rimmed. Fultoportulae are present in a ring around the valve mantle opening externally by short tubes. Specimens identifiable to this genus but not to the species level were all identified as Thalassiosira sp. in this paper. (Pl. P3, fig. 4)
Thalassiothrix longissima Cleve and Grunow
Triceratium cruciforme Schmidt
Triceratium inelegans Greville
Triceratium macroporum Hajós (Pl. P1, fig. 3)
Triceratium pileus Ehrenberg
Triceratium schulzii Jousé
Triceratium spp.
Remarks: Original description of genus is from Ehrenberg, 1841. Valves are triangular or sometimes square, shallow, and often ornamented with simple or branched spines. Valve face is flat or slightly convex; mantles are very shallow. Areolae are loculate, opening externally via large foramina, the bases of the locules are formed by a continuous sheet of silica with rows of pores radiating from a central annulus. Margin of valves face is raised, with a single row of stalked or spathulate collared tubes, which are the exits on rimoportulae. Specimens identifiable to this genus but not to the species level were all identified as Triceratium sp. in this paper.
Xanthiopyxis oblonga Ehrenberg