Figure F1. Basalt provinces in the eastern Indian Ocean. Oceanic features attributed to the Kerguelen plume include the Kerguelen Plateau, Broken Ridge, Ninetyeast Ridge, Kerguelen archipelago, and Heard and McDonald Islands. Several continental basalt provinces have also been associated with the Kerguelen plume; these include Cretaceous lamprophyres in Antarctica and northeast India (solid diamonds), the Rajmahal Traps in northeast India, and Bunbury Basalt (BB) in Southwest Australia. Solid circles = locations of igneous basement sites drilled by DSDP and ODP, open circle = Eltanin piston core. Also indicated are dredge locations (solid squares = igneous rock recovery, open square = sediment dredge by Petuna Explorer). NKP, CKP and SKP = northern, central, and southern Kerguelen Plateau, respectively.