Table T1. Lithologic description of sediments and rocks, including major and minor modifiers.

Sediment class Major modifiers Principal names Minor modifiers
Pelagic sediment 1. Composition of pelagic grains present in major amounts 1. Ooze 1. Composition of pelagic and neritic grains present inminor amounts

2. Texture of clastic grains present in majoramounts 2. Chalk 2. Texture of clastic grains present in minor amounts

3. Pelagic limestone

4. Radiolarite

5. Diatomite

6. Spicule

7. Porcellanite

8. Chert
Siliciclastic sediment 1. Composition of all grains present in majoramounts 1. Gravel 1. Composition of all grains present in minor amounts

2. Grain fabric (gravels only) 2. Sand 2. Texture and composition of siliciclastic grains presentas matrix (for coarse-grained clastic sediments)

3. Grain shape (optional) 3. Silt

4. Sediment color (optional) 4. Clay, etc.
Volcaniclastic sediment 1. Composition of all volcaniclasts present in major amounts 1. Breccia 1. Composition of all volcaniclastics present in minoramounts

2. Composition of all pelagic and neritic grains 2. Lapilli 2. Composition of all neritic and pelagic grains present inminor amounts

3. Texture of siliciclastic grains present in majoramounts 3. Ash/tuff 3. Texture of siliciclastic grains present in minor amounts

4. Volcanic, etc.