Chemical and isotopic compositions of interstitial water are given in Table T1. However, the results of chemical compositions from Hole 1146A essentially confirm those of the Leg 184 shipboard geochemists (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2000b) (Table T1; Fig. F2). SO42- concentration is highest near the surface, with a maximum of 25 mM at 2.95 mbsf, a value similar to that of seawater. It decreases rapidly downhole to reach 0 mM at 65.35 mbsf, which indicates that sulfate reduction is completed at this depth. Below the zone of sulfate reduction, it remains 0 mM until the base of the hole (Table T1; Fig. F2).

Cl- concentrations at Site 1146 are relatively constant above 540.41 mbsf, ranging from 547 to 570 mM, which are values similar to that of seawater. Below 540.41 mbsf, Cl- begins to decrease, with values of 547 mM at 559.7 and 579.0 mbsf and a minimum value of 536 mM at 598.20 mbsf (~3.6% dilution) (Fig. F2). A similar result was obtained by the Leg 184 Shipboard Scientific Party (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2000b).

Li+ is very low, with a value of 23 然 near the surface, and then increases slowly downhole to 44 然 at 361.7 mbsf, a value similar to that of seawater. Downward, Li+ increases sharply from 179 然 at 390.5 mbsf to a maximum value of 1337 然 at the base of the hole (598.2 mbsf) (Fig. F2). A similar increase was obtained by the Leg 184 shipboard geochemists, but they found the maximum value was up to 2390 然 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2000b) (Table T1; Fig. F2).

Na+ concentrations are relatively constant above 521.1 mbsf, ranging from 432 to 452 mM. Below 521.1 mbsf, Na+ begins to decrease with depth to a minimum value of 407 mM. Ca2+ concentrations are 16.7 mM near the surface and decrease quickly to a minimum value of 2.6 mM at 65.35 mbsf, in correspondence with sulfate reduction. Ca2+ increases slowly downhole to a maximum of 23.8 mM at the base of the hole.

Interstitial water salinities decrease rapidly from 35 at 2.95 mbsf to 32 at 36.85 mbsf. Further downhole, they remain relatively constant in the range of 31-32 between 36.85 and 579 mbsf and then decrease to 30 at the base of the hole (Fig. F2).

The 18O values of the interstitial water from Site 1146 decrease slowly with depth, in the range from 0.2 to -1.30 standard mean ocean water (SMOW), except for an anomalously lower value of -3.7 at 27.35 mbsf (Table T1; Fig. F2). The D values are relatively constant between 8.35 and 361.7 mbsf, ranging from -1 to 3 SMOW and begin to decrease slowly with a minimum value of -14 below 406.4 mbsf (Fig. F2). The 18O and D values of interstitial water are typical of seawater stored in sediments, with no freshwater contribution.