Figure F5. A. Comparison of the alkenone sea-surface temperature (SST) record from Sites 1147 and 1148 for the past 2 m.y. with the benthic foraminiferal (Cibicides wuellerstorfi and Uvigerina peregrina) 18O record for Site 1146 (Clemens and Prell, this volume). Increases in temperature generally correspond to lower 18O values. B. Comparison of the alkenone SST record from Sites 1147 and 1148 with an alkenone SST record from ODP Site 1084 off the southwest coast of Africa (Marlow et al., 2000). Both records show cooling and increased variability starting around 1 Ma. Numbers above the x-axis = selected marine isotope stages (as labeled in Clemens and Prell, this volume). VPDB = Vienna Peedee belemnite.