The lipid biomarkers in the SCS sediments from Sites 1147 and 1148 are from both terrestrial and marine sources. Long-chain n-alkanes, n-alcohols, and n-acids with high CPI values are mainly from higher plant leaf waxes. C37 and C38 di- and triunsaturated methyl and ethyl ketones and alkyl diols and keto-ols are of marine microalgae origin. The downhole terrigenous lipid concentrations and accumulation rates fluctuate in large ranges, with relatively higher values in intervals 0–166, 202–245, and below 495 mcd. The marine lipids are mainly found in the upper part of the hole (0–250 mcd) but are absent from the lower part of the hole. The accumulation rates of terrigenous and marine lipids indicate large inputs of allochthonous higher plant materials and blooms of autochthonous microalgae in the period of 6–8 Ma, which may be related to the development of the East Asian monsoon. After ~3.2 Ma, variations in the accumulation rates of terrigenous and marine lipids indicate the variable nature of the climate and oceanic settings, especially that of the East Asian monsoon. The pronounced late Oligocene inputs of terrigenous lipids reflect the paleoenvironment of a newly opened, narrow basin, with restricted ocean waters and the proximity of continental runoff.