Figure F1. A. Gas chromatogram of total extractable lipids from Sample 184-1148A-8H-2, 56–57 cm; 59.86 mbsf. Solid circles = n-alkanes, open circles = n-fatty acids, triangles = n-alcohols. C31 = C31 n-alkane; C28 = C28 n-fatty acid; C30 = C30 n-alcohol; 1 = C16:1 fatty acid; 2 = C18:1 fatty acid; 3 = C18:2 fatty acid; 4 = C30 diol; 5 = C30 keto-ol; 6 = C37:3 methyl ketone; 7 = C37:2 methyl ketone; 8 = C38:2 ethyl ketone. I.S. = internal standard (C16D31O2H), TIC = total ion chromatogram. B. m/z 85 mass chromatogram showing n-alkanes. Numbers refer to n-alkane chain length. C. m/z 132 mass chromatogram showing n-fatty acids. Numbers refer to n-fatty acid chain length. D. m/z 103 mass chromatogram showing n-alcohols. Numbers refer to n-alcohol chain length.